The Cake Club : Best Brunch in Manila!

Whoever created the concept of brunch is, for me, a very wise man. Perhaps, he or (it could also be a she) must be like me. Someone who gives so much important to sleep and while food is equally just as important, a person must not sacrifice one for the other. Readers of this blog probably know by now that there's only one thing that can make me wake up early on a weekend morning...FOOD. However, it really should take a good breakfast spread to make that extra hours worth our while.

This is why I truly embrace and love the idea of having brunch. Being able to eat breakfast food at a later time that's closer to lunch. Breakfast + Lunch = Brunch = Brilliant.

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One Sunday morning, Paul and I took Mom and my sister out to brunch. I've been keeping a list of restaurants in the city that offers really good brunch and as soon as 2013 rolled in, I was determined to give some of these a try. First on my list was probably one that I've been getting amazing raves from -- The Cake Club.

The Cake Club is part of the Diamond Hotel group and given that both Paul and I are huge fans of the food from this hotel, we were really excited to visit The Cake Club.

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We agreed to share the different breakfast entrees available but first off, we ordered some Truffle Fries (Php. 180). Dear readers, please take my word for it when I say that this is the BEST truffle fries in Manila! Believe me, one bite and Pan and I knew we hit a jackpot. We loved it so much that we went back again the following week and got one order of Truffle Fries each. No sharing on our second round.

Here are some of the dishes that the four of us shared for brunch that day:

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Pan Fried Foie Gras (Php. 365).
This holiday, I went on a foie gras spree and once again, I was very pleased with The Cake Club's foie gras. The taste was so clean and creamy, it came with some scrambled eggs made just the way I like it and fresh salad too. I recommend though that you share this as it can be too filling (and unhealthy) to have the entire foie gras all for yourself.

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Smoked Salmon Benedict (Php. 345)
I don't know why, but Eggs Benedict has been my staple breakfast/brunch choice wherever I go. It was no surprise that this was my choice within minutes of scanning the menu. I'm happy to say that this was pretty good. Well, how can you go wrong with smoked salmon? I love anything with salmon and eggs and this one just hits the bull's eye for me. This was served with whole wheat and quinoa pancakes giving it a more healthy twist to the usual Eggs Ben. Yum!

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Mediterranean Eggs (Php. 355)
As if we didn't have enough egg dishes on the table, we also tried the Mediterranean Eggs. This one was Pan's personal favorite. She couldn't stop raving about the scrambled/omelet-like egg that was cooked with tomatoes, basil and feta cheese. I liked the lamb sausages which Paul wasn't so fond off as he was turned off by the strong "odor".

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Homemade Corned Beef Stuffed Blinis (Php. 325)
Here's another favorite of mine. It's a different take to the usual corned beef platter. This time, the homemade corned beef was rolled within a thin crepe-like wrapper and covered with creamy whole-grain mustard sauce.

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We had our own platters each but we couldn't resist and got the Whole Wheat Buttermilk Pancakes (Php. 295). For years, I've been searching for the best pancakes in Manila and to be honest, I am still on my quest for it. This one was pretty good but it was still a bit dry and tough. What I'm looking for are fluffy, buttery pancakes that will definitely perk up your morning because it's just oh-so-good! Sadly, this was still not THE ONE.

On our way back home from Tagaytay the following week, we decided to drop by The Cake Club this time for our afternoon merienda as we wanted Papa to try their coffee. Aside from the Truffle Fries, we also got the following:

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Lamb Burger (Php. 490)
I love lamb and this is why I tend to gravitate towards any dish with lamb given the opportunity to try it. This is probably the reason why after Paul being so disappointed with the lamb sausages that came with the Mediterranean Eggs a week ago, I still insisted on trying the Lamb Burger during our second visit. Sadly, it was me who was disappointed as the meat was so spicy that I could hardly taste the flavor of the lamb. Needless to say, it was baaaaaaaaaaahd.

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US Angus Beef Burger (Php. 410)
It was a good thing, Mommy insisted that we get another burger and this time with beef instead. We loved the tender beef patty as well as the sweet caramelized onions on top. Both burgers came with more fries which we happily mixed with our Truffle Fries.

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Foie Gras Macaron (Php. 150)
I told you I was on a foie gras spree the entire holiday season and I dared to try this even after Mom and Steph gave me their best terrified look. The verdict? Well it was my first time to try a savory macaron and it wasn't so bad yet I don't think it's something that will make me get hooked to having over and over again. I'd still go with my regular salted caramel or pistachio macarons any day.

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Ensaymada (Php. 120)
Lastly, what's a visit to The Cake Club without trying their ensaymada? For years, I've been hearing friends gush about how yummy Diamond Hotel/Cake Club's ensaymada is and finally we were able to try it. We got to flavors -- regular and ube. Each had his/her own favorites but for me, I love the ube ensaymada. It was so fluffy, cheesy and buttery and it wasn't very sweet too. Perfect with a mug of hot chocolate!

The Cake Club is truly not only the best place to have brunch in Manila but it's definitely a must-visit should you want to have a long lunch with your girl friends or to enjoy some afternoon merienda with your loved ones too. I'm so happy that I don't have to drive all the way to Manila just to be able to try some of The Cake Club's pastries as Bonifacio Global City is just a few minutes drive away.

I'm definitely heading back there for brunch very very soon! ♥

The Cake Club is located at the 2nd level, Bonifacio High Street Central, Bonifacio Global City, Taguig City. 

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