Rant: Nacho Fast Podium

I love nachos! I particularly like it with beef paired with either cheese or salsa or both. However, no matter how much i love this type of snack, i always believe that hygiene and other QA factors will always be at the top of my list (and i think this makes perfect sense).

After shopping at Podium last saturday, my sister and I were both craving for nachos. Our initial plan was to dine at Fuzion and avail of their free nachos but sadly there were no available tables and it looks like there won't be any for the next 30 minutes or so. So we moved to plan b. We decided to try NYPD and to satisfy our craving, i'll buy nachos from the Nacho Fast stall nearby.

On Nacho Fast

Being a nacho fan, I can say i am a regular of Nacho Fast Rockwell where i would buy a bag of chips to take home with me. On other occasions, this is also where my friends and i would have lunch if we want something fast and yummy. Thus, I am not a newbie on this brand of nachos and i can say that they have one of the best tasting nachos around.

from Yummy to Yucky...

I got one order of Beef and Salsa. While preparing my order, i was surprised to see the attendant got a bag of frozen ground beef out of the freezer, cut the bag open, poured the beef into a plastic container, placed the container into a microwave oven and tadah! after less than 3 minutes, the oven began beeping. I even asked her if the beef is ok na and she told me in an irritated voice that yes it is. Ok so maybe she was annoyed why i am asking a lot of questions but hello, that's my food you're preparing.

Next the salsa, she did the same thing all over again: got the bag of cold salsa out of the ref, opened the plastic, poured the salsa in a container and without even bothering to warm up the sauce, she began scooping this into my bowl of nachos. So fine...cold salsa over nachos it is.

So i paid her P85 for my order and brought this to our table at NYPD. Steph got the first chip and didn't say anything. So I assumed that it was ok. When i bit into mine i immediately noticed that the beef was cold..not cooked cold but frozen cold. EWWW... looking closely at the beef, obviously its still frozen because there are tiny white spots that kinda resembles that of tiny icicles..yep, the same kind that you'd see on any frozen meat or food item.

I brought the bowl of nachos back to the stall and told the girl that the beef was still cold and i want it changed. I'm afraid that she'll still serve the frozen beef, i told her to just change my order to Cheese and Salsa and quickly asked her if the cheese is also frozen. Good thing she have the cheese ready and it looked pretty ok to me. So after preparing my 2nd order with a huge pout on her face, I asked her for a refund on the remaining balance. You see, the beef and nachos was P85 while the cheese with salsa was only P74. That means i should get P11 back, right? But nooo....miss nacho fast doesn't have any intention on giving me back my money. She just stared at me with a mean look obviously not wanting to give my money back. This was until she realized that I am pretty stubborn and i am not leaving without getting the balance. So she finally gave up and returned my P11 with a matching mean glare.

We finally had our nachos with cheese and salsa but sadly it wasn't very good. The nachos has this powdery texture, the cheese bland and the salsa...very very very cold.

I am definitely keeping out off this stall....

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