Good Earth Roast: a bit of Singapore here in Manila lah

Back in 1990, I had my first trip to Singapore. I guess you can call it love at first step when I immediately fell truly madly in-love with this fellow ASEAN country near the equator. It could probably be because of its clean and green-friendly environment (no trash, no vendors!) , the honesty of the people (this was back in 1990s..have to update this info soon) and the food. It was the best 2 week vacation then as we went around the different tourist sites, shopped till we dropped (the exchange rate was still low back then) , met up with old family friends and lastly tried out the different possible combinations among the following: roast chicken/duck/pork + rice/hofan/noodles. Every meal is truly exciting as we happily mixed and matched our meat with its perfect carbo pair. Since then, I knew that Singapore is the place I want to be in forever . It has been a while since I've been to Singapore. Times have changed and there were quite a number of new attractions available like th...