Can't Get Enough of Avenue Q

I can just imagine the pressure there is on Carla who now has the role which also garnered a lot of raves and that formerly belongs to Rachel Alejandro. However, she do not have to worry as everyone would probably agree with me in saying that Carla is truly a talented actress creating a clear connection between the audience and her two puppets. We're really amazed how we can flawlessly switch from nicey-nice Kate Monster to seductive Lucy and back again. I love her expressive facial reactions that perfectly brings out the right emotions from her character.
"I know we'll never get tired of Avenue Q", whispered my sister who obviously was enjoying the show even if it was also her second round.
I guess this is because the story was pretty line where humor was injected here and there but in the end successfully still drives a strong message directly to our hearts.

Finding my Purpose
Being 26, I'd say I've successfully overcome that so-called quarterlife crisis. It's this stage in one's young life where he/she would stop and re-evaluate if they've been living a life that they want or perhaps there might be something else that's missing.
For me, my purpose is to take things one step at a time. However, no matter what I do or where I am, I've promised myself that I have to make sure that I am enjoying it. Realizing my passion in writing has brought out the blogger in me. People would normally wonder how can I ever find the time and energy to blog even after a crazy day at work. My answer would be simple: Blogging is always fun. I love sharing my thoughts through writing and I find simple joys whenever I receive a comment from friends and readers telling me that they liked what I've just wrote.
Someday, I know that I will always look back and tell myself that this is one of the best times of my life. Ü