[Cooking with Fran] Italian Eggplant Lasagna

Here's one yummy dish that will definitely make the kids eat their veggies!
Italian Eggplant Lasagna
What you'll need:
-- Italian Eggplants (these are the longer ones as opposed to the short and stout Pinoy Eggplants which are good for grilling or frying)
-- Ground meat
-- Italian Spaghetti Sauce
-- Chopped basil leaves
-- Mozzarella Cheese, grated
-- Parsesan Cheese, grated
-- Ground Black pepper
-- Japanese breadcrumbs
-- Garlic and Onion, chopped
-- Egg
-- Oil
-- Bechamel Sauce (optional)
Step by step:
1) Saute garlic in oil until golden brown, add Onions and Ground meat until the meat turns pink, add the Italian Spaghetti Sauce and let it simmer before adding basil leaves, pepper and other desired flavorings
2) Slice eggplants into thick strips, dunk it into the egg batter and roll into the breadcrumbs, fry the eggplants until the breadcrumbs turn golden brown
3) Drain the eggplants to remove the excess oil
4) Spread a thin layer of meat sauce at the based of your baking dish, line with eggplants and put another spread of meat sauce before topping it with grated mozzarella and parmesan cheeses. Do this until you reach the top of the dish
5) Cover with grated mozzarella and parmesan. you may also put a little garlic bits to perk up the flavor
6) Bake at 400 degrees until the cheese melts and turns into golden brown
7) ENJOY!!! :)