The Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants 2 (mini spoiler alert)

The girls are back!

After three summers and a high school graduation, the story re-opens with our favorite girls namely: Carmen, Tibby, Lena and Bridget moving on to new adventures as they begin college life. Of course, the ever-famous pair of jeans was still very much present moving from Turkey to Vermont to New York and finally to Greece.

It was a very light movie which is just perfect after a hectic day at work. Watching the movie has somehow made me wish that I have my own "sisterhood" whom I can always count on to be there. As one of the most touching scene was when Carmen's mom was about to give birth and Carmen, being miles away in drama camp, had to ask Tibby to help her out. Despite the fact that they just had a minor squabble prior to the call, Tibby immediately rushed out to make it to the hospital to be there for Carmen's mom.

The movie touches on the beauty of friendship. It dwells on the importance of having your own support good through the good and bad times of life. It made me look at my own life and be thankful for one particular person who has been there for me for 23 years now. She has been there to bare my crazy side and did not ever hesitate to give me her opinion on things. She has been my biggest fan (nax!) and has also made me proud of her in so many ways. She's my pig-out session buddy and the only person whom I can always count on to stand up for me when the need arises. She'll never spill my secrets out to the world, she'll someday be my maid of honor and my bestest friend forever...

my dear readers, meet my sister, Pan

Just like the four girls in the movie, we may disagree at times but we know that no matter what, we'll always be there for each other. Ü

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