Turning ONE!

Today, my blog turns a year old! It has been a fun year filled with gastronomic delights, exciting and memorable trips and lots of happy bits and pieces here and there.

As I promised that you'll see a lot of great and, of course, wonderful changes to happen in the coming months, the first of these changes happens TODAY.

Turning one, I realized that it's about time to get out of my shell and to finally establish my identity in the blogosphere. Thus....


... is born.

It's truly a blogger's dream come true. It's my first big step towards bringing my blog to greater heights and hopefully to continue to entertain everyone with stories of my food and travelling experiences.

Lastly, I would like to Thank YOU. You have no idea how my heart would do tiny cartwheels and triple back flips everytime I would get comments and messages from my dear friends and readers. Thank you for always dropping by!


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