On the Corkboard

A school fair is something that every high school student looks forward to. It's a weekend well-spent with friends, crushes and, for some, their special someone. A school fair is also where students push their books aside and allow themselves to enjoy for two full days!

Coming from an exclusive girl school that is located right across an exclusive boys school, we were fortunate to be able to experience two school fairs every year. Ours normally happens every October while our neighbor have theirs every February (just in time for Valentine's Day).

I have very good memories of my school fair days when my friends and I would dance the night away during the variety show, try out the different stalls at the food court and create our hiding strategies from the jail booth people.

Oh, those were the days...

To all high school teens out there, here's one school fair that you shouldn't miss.

Xavier School Fair

Also check out the variety show!

Luckily, I live a couple of blocks away from Xavier so maybe Paul and I will drop by and check out their food court! Who knows?! Someone might catch us for the marriage booth! Yihaaa! See you there!!!

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