and the WINNER is.....

When I first opened my 2nd Anniversary raffle promo, I thought to myself... I'd be really happy if I'd be able to get at least 30 respondents. I also thought that most of the responses that I'd get would be from my fellow bloggers and friends.

My dear readers,

You just made me feel so special and loved as at the end of exactly 10 days from the start of the promo, I was surprise to have a total of 125 respondents and majority of which are from readers whom I've never met and I hope I'd be able to meet something.

Thank you for sharing your thoughts on how I can improve and the things that has made you come back regularly to my blog. I am truly overjoyed hearing from all of you and thank you also to the first-timers whom I hope to see more often here :)

There are times when I would just browse through your suggestions and comments and i can't help but smile while reading all your kind messages and words of encouragement to keep on blogging.


Now, as my way of saying THANK YOU, I would like to announce the winner of my 2nd Anniversary Raffle promo. The winner will receive a limited edition bag specially created by Baubles, Bangles 'n Beads as well as a P500 GC from Figaro Coffee!

and the winner is.....

Elna Escalante-Leal!!!

Elna, I will definitely be contacting you within the day!! :)


Special thanks to Boy Kuripot for helping me in spreading the word!!!

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