New Year, Happy Winners!!!

Let us start the New Year with lots of love, laughter and zero allegies.

Thanks to the 31 amazing comments that I got in the span of 9 days! I'd like to share with you the top three tips which I believe we should all bear in mind to completely say goodbye to allergies!
The most important thing is to know the food allergies of my kid/s. That is easily determined by thorough skin tests done by an allercologist. But once I know that, the next important tip is to spend time reading the food labels when shopping. I would scan the ingredients to ensure that none of the food my kids react to are in the stuff I buy. I have read about children who either die or get critical allergic reactions just because they ingested small amounts of peanuts in candy bars or in other food. A simple discipline like taking time to read food labels may take up more of my time but I avoid more costly medicines or worse, more grave consequences to my kids. - Jane

This is my hypoallergenic food tip when you are a mother who has just given birth or about to give birth: Breastfeed your baby as much as you can. - Vivian

hypoallergenic food tips:

1. if you don't know what trigger your allergy, list down every food you eat, read food lables too.

2. Tell the cook or the party host, so they will knew that you have allergies to certain food.

3. If symptoms occur give liquid antihistamine like Benadryl or a shot of epinephrine

4. If you're allergic to common peanut butters try SunGold SunButter™ bcoz it's made from sunflower seed or Natural Sunbutter or Golden Pea Butter.

5. if you're allergic to eggs try to substitute it with "1 teaspoon baking powder + 1 tablespoon liquid + 1 tablespoon vinegar" or "1 tablespoon pureed fruit such as apricots or bananas"

6. For milks try Rice Milk or Nut Milk or Soy Milks as alternatives

Congratulations to Jane, Jay-L and Vivian! You each will be receiving a special gift pack from DEL and Geiser Maclang! I will be emailing you soon on how to claim your prizes.

Happy 2010 Everyone!!

Special thanks to Boy Kuripot and to Mukhang Pera for spreading the word!

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