Thanking my lucky stars : Pond's

I was working late at the office one Friday evening when I received a call from a cheerful-sounding lady from Pond's. As it turns out, they are currently having an electronic raffle for all SMS subscribers and she called to tell me that...I WON!!!

Of course, I had to stop for a while as my parents had given me enough warning about modus operandis and fake raffle contests that might just either get valuable information from me or worst, rob me from my hard-earned money.

I carefully listened to what she said and everything sounded credible. Instead of asking me to dictate my personal information, she even verified based on what I have submitted when I registered and all I have to do is to say yes or no.

After our brief phone call, she sent me an sms thanking me for answering her call and to expect a letter and my gift certificate after two weeks.

Well.. it has been only 10 days since then and this wonderful letter arrive via mail today.

It's a congratulatory letter by the brand manager of Pond's and a gift certificate that will entitle Paul and I to a romantic dinner at Enderun's 101 Restaurant!

Woweee!! What a lucky month this is! :)

Thank you very much Pond's!

You sure know how to make a girl feel special inside and out.

illustration credit:

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