...and we have a winner!!! (It's About Time contest)

We have all casted in our votes and as we pray that a deserving and definitely promising president will emerge in the coming days, allow me to thank everyone who joined my recent blog contest.

Thanks to Randomizer, we finally have a WINNER!!!

Congratulations to Vivian Blas who will be getting a cool, limited edition Cherie Paris watch!!!

Here's her winning entry:
Come May 10, I will encourage all the Filipinos to vote wisely and honestly on this day because I think it's about time that we open our minds and be true to ourselves this coming election day. Let us vote wisely and understand carefully each and every leader that we'll be voting for. Just remember, failure to do our part as good and honest voters may result to bad governance for another 6 years! So let's be honest and be wise. Vote for d best this May 10, 2010! :)

Vivian, I will emailing you shortly for more details on how to claim your prize.

Thanks all and watch out for more exciting contests here coming up really soon! :)

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