How sensitive is my nose?
My family would tease me that I have an extra sensitive nose. Since I was born on the Year of the Dog, they somehow would connect this to my zodiac sign. For instance, I can easily sense when a garbage truck is coming even when it's still at the other end of the street. Good thing also, my extra sensitive nose has helped me determine the different types of coffee when I was having my certification as a Coffee Master.
This extra sensitivity has worked to both my advantage and sadly to my disadvantage at times. I can't stand foul smells and going in a not-so-clean bathroom is torture for me as the moment the nasty smell hits my nose, it immediately makes me feel like throwing up.
Yesterday, I received a lovely basket sent to my office by Downy. I am very much familiar with the brand simply because we use this at home. Oh how I love the soft touch of our clothes combined with the light, floral scent. The basket was tightly wrapped in plastic but as I took a peek I can't see any bottle or sachet of Downy instead there were three pretty pink scented candles and two towels with label.
Hmmm... I wonder what Downy was up to.

It was until I opened the wrapper and read the note inserted when I found out that I was in for a challenge. How sensitive is your nose?, it says. This got me so excited as the first challenge is to guess which of the two towels was washed with the new Passion by Downy and the other one sprinkled with perfume.

I carefully opened the towels and attached the labels on to the towels to make sure I won't mix them up. Then, with one towel at a time I sniffed once, twice and a lot more times.

My guess: I believe that Towel 1 was washed with Passion by Downy and the other was just sprinkled with perfume. Not only was the scent lighter and more pleasant, the towel was softer too.
The challenge is not yet over. Moving on to Challenge #2, I have to guess what other perfume notes are present in Passion by Downy aside from Jasmine, Ylang-ylang and soft musk.
Is it: Cinnamon? Rose? or Lavender?
It took me a while to determine this and I even had to take a good night sleep before I finally made my guess. After a dozen sniffing done, my guess is that it also has a hint of ROSE.
I hope my two guesses are correct because this will give me a change to win a One year's supply of Downy Passion and Attraction! This is definitely something I need as I am learning to do my own laundry. :) Lucky stars, please be at my side! :)
This extra sensitivity has worked to both my advantage and sadly to my disadvantage at times. I can't stand foul smells and going in a not-so-clean bathroom is torture for me as the moment the nasty smell hits my nose, it immediately makes me feel like throwing up.
Yesterday, I received a lovely basket sent to my office by Downy. I am very much familiar with the brand simply because we use this at home. Oh how I love the soft touch of our clothes combined with the light, floral scent. The basket was tightly wrapped in plastic but as I took a peek I can't see any bottle or sachet of Downy instead there were three pretty pink scented candles and two towels with label.
Hmmm... I wonder what Downy was up to.
The challenge is not yet over. Moving on to Challenge #2, I have to guess what other perfume notes are present in Passion by Downy aside from Jasmine, Ylang-ylang and soft musk.
Is it: Cinnamon? Rose? or Lavender?
It took me a while to determine this and I even had to take a good night sleep before I finally made my guess. After a dozen sniffing done, my guess is that it also has a hint of ROSE.
I hope my two guesses are correct because this will give me a change to win a One year's supply of Downy Passion and Attraction! This is definitely something I need as I am learning to do my own laundry. :) Lucky stars, please be at my side! :)