Turning the Table Around

For years being a blogger, nothing brightens my day more than receiving comments from you, dear readers. Be it a simple message on how much you've enjoyed the dishes mentioned in a particular entry or a heart-warming note telling me to continue blogging -- all these really gives me the encouragement to blog, blog and blog some more.

As a blogger, I am also a reader. I love reading other food and travel blogs and I also look forward to Thursdays as two of my favorite broadsheets have Food as the feature in their Lifestyle Section. I have my own list of favorite writers too. I look forward to reading about their latest food and cooking adventures and yet I have remained to be a silent reader, never letting them know that I have been following their section for years.

This habit changed yesterday when I was reading the online version of the Philippine Star's Food section and I began reading a section called Food for Thought. This is a relatively new section written by mother-daughter team Millie and Karla Reyes. I love Karla's light and joyful way of writing that I've pictured her to be a happy young girl who loves to experiment in the kitchen. Millie, seems to be a very doting mother to Karla who reminds me of my mom, she definitely knows her way around the kitchen and on food. Then there's Lolo Joe, Millie's father who joins them daily as they dine out. Millie and Karla would describe Lolo Joe as someone who loves to repeat restaurants whenever we loves a certain dish.

Yesterday, Millie shared that Lolo Joe was diagnosed with Cancer of the Gingiva I felt my heart wince. For someone who loves to eat, having a cancer in the gums will definitely be a terrible ordeal. After reading the article, I couldn't help but write Millie and Karla a note...
Hi Millie and Karla!

I'm Fran, a follower of your weekly article at the Philippine Star. I was deeply moved by your story today about Lolo Joe's diagnosis of Gingiva Cancer. Through your articles, I imagine him to be a jolly lolo who loves to eat. He reminds me so much of my very own grandfather whom I've inherited my love for food and cooking. I felt a pain in my heart when Millie said "Believe me, there’s nothing as depressing or painful as seeing someone who loves to eat reduced to a mere watcher."

It truly is life-changing when someone in the family gets diagnosed with a sickness, I've had my share of life changing moments when my mom had her mild stroke 6 years ago which really altered the entire family's diet. We have become to be more conscious with what we eat and we try to limit eating out as well. This was really hard as eating out as a family is just so much fun!

I pray that Lolo Joe will get better soon. Truly looking forward to reading more of your mother-daughter stories every Thursday!

flipflopping my way around town
Today, I opened my email and saw a reply from Millie. Talk about feeling star-strucked, I read her note carefully:
Dear Fran,
Thank you for taking the time out to react to our column. I had a prompting to write and share our experience so that our readers may gain from it. I realize that the power of prayer made everything so much lighter for us during this trial.
We wish you well. Be blessed.

Millie and Karla
It was my first time to write to one of my favorite newspaper editor and I'm glad that somehow I have made them feel that as a reader, I am here praying for Lolo Joe's quick recovery too.

Click here to read the full article of yesterday's Food for Thought.

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