Unleash your Frappuccino creativity at Starbucks Coffee

Back when I was working for the Green Siren, I learned how to mix my own drinks. Along the way, I learned to be creative. Adding a shot here and there, combining two syrups to create a new flavor or changing my milk to lessen the calories. Those, however, were only limited to espresso based drinks.

With the cold Frappuccino blended beverages, we can't do as much. Back then, all Frappuccinos had a pre-mix base thus it's either you want it cream or coffee based. From there you choose your flavor that determines the syrups that will be used. I guess the farthest customization that I've done with my Frappuccino is to add more syrup into my Strawberries n Cream Frappuccino or adding a shot to my Mocha Frappuccino. That's basically just about it.

It has been almost three years since I've professionally bid the Green Siren good bye. Thus my visits have lessened as opposed to my bi-weekly store visits before. It was only just recently when I dropped by our favorite Starbucks store within the neighborhood that I realized that there have been quite a number of changes.

starbucks coffee soy green tea

First was the cute to-go carton box that can fit two cups for customers who wants to bring their coffee elsewhere. Second is the new way of ordering a Frappuccino blended beverage. Gone are the pre-mixes and you can really choose everything that goes into your drink.

Here are some ways on how you can customize your Frappuccino blended beverages:

1) Choose your milk: Do you want it whole, non-fat, half and half or soy?
2) Pick the intensity of your coffee: how strong can you go?
3) Sweeten it up with your choice of syrup : I want to have my very own Toffee Nut Frappuccino so I always request for half Hazelnut, half Caramel. Yum!
4) Lastly, jazz it up with your own toppings: Whipped cream anyone?

Still confused? Visit this amazing website to create your own virtual Frappuccino Beverage and hand this out to any friendly Starbucks barista on your next visit.

Summer Munchin'

As with any Starbucks Coffee campaign, together with the drink comes a wide-array for food items that I urge you to try. My former colleague Celine, the ever talented Research and Development Officer of Rustan Coffee, came out with six delicious food items for everyone to enjoy this summer. Some even made use of the signature Starbucks VIA coffee beans to give that strong coffee flavor. How I miss the times when I was still working with Celine and she would generously feed me with her endless samples. She would manage to distinguished the difference of the various ingredients used as I just happily chomped and munched away.

Once again, Cel was kind enough to let Paul and I try a couple of her masterpieces this summer. Allow me to share with you four of my favorites:

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Five Cheese Turnover: I love cheese and when Celine told me that inside this buttery puff pastry has five cheeses namely -- cheddar, mozzarella, parmesan, Emmental cheese and cream cheese, I immediately took a bite and enjoyed the perfect marriage of the different types of cheese. I loved this so much that I actually had this again for lunch the next day.

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Chicken Galantina and Fontina Cheese on Pandesal: Cel and Love were very proud of this. I actually left this on my plate as I tried the others first. It's a different twist to our typical pandesal (sandwich) as this is filled with a slice of Chicken Galantina. I actually felt that this would work during the Christmas season where Chicken Galantina is always a regular mainstay on the holiday table. It's best eaten when warm together with a cup of coffee or Signature Hot Chocolate.

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Chicken Buffalo Bleu: I think Cel loves cheese as much as I do as this is the third savory dish with cheese on it. (Keep it up Cel!) This time, it's the slightly spicy buffalo chicken fillet with tomatoes, celery and bleu cheese wrapped in soft tortilla. This is a perfect choice when you're on the go as you can enjoy this with just one hand.

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Coffee Brownie: This is a returning favorite as I remember enjoying the first batch of these brownies when Celine introduced this years ago. This time though, the new Coffee Brownie has a generous amount of Columbia Starbucks VIA Ready Brew. My favorite coffee blend as I enjoy its nutty flavor which goes perfectly with the rich, fudgy chocolate mix.

In addition to these four amazing food choices, there's also the Tiramisu Cheesecake and the Mango Peach Cream Pie.

It was a great way to end a busy day...enjoying our favorite cup of Starbucks Frappuccino Beverages done OUR way and a plate filled with delicious food items that's available in all Starbucks Coffee stores until June 27, 2011.

*food shots taken by Paul Ang

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