Frannywanny Birthmonth Giveaway!!! : ...and the WINNERS are....

After two weeks, 711 shares on Facebook and 277 valid entries, we finally have our WINNERS thanks to!!!

CONGRATULATIONS to the following readers:

contest city delivery
(2) P1500 City Delivery gift certificates goes to Bianca Juliano and Lourdes Espanol.

contest boulevard diner
P600 worth of Boulevard Diner GCs is awarded to Vanessa Salosagcol.

contest ponds
Pond's White Beauty White Cream and two Gold Radiance Serum loot bag goes to Gessa Marie C!!

contest beach hut
Beach Hut Face and Body Sunblock goes to Levy Martinez.

Thank you to all who patiently sent in their entries every single day. For the winners, kindly expect an email from me soon.

Watch out for my next blog contest coming up in a few more days!!! :)

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