Why I love my Scottie

As I end this work week and am raring to start my long weekend, I came home to see my cute furry orange-brown pomeranian waiting for me. Scottie is a boy dog but instead of being fierce and scary, he's really sweet and adorable that he would wait for every single member of the family to get home before he finally sleeps at night. The moment we walk in, he would excitedly go around us turning around and around like a merry-go-round and he would sniff and lick our toes till we tell to stop.

scottie pomeranian

I love talking to Scottie, call me crazy but my little smart dog really do respond! Of course, he doesn't talk back (and I'm hoping he never will or that would freak me out) but check this video out on how he would react to my voice.

It's totally hilarious it drove me nuts laughing for one full hour. Please ignore my nasal voice. :P

I ♥ ♥ ♥ you, my dear Scottie.
Stay as sweet, cute and funny as you always are.

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