And the WINNERS are: Frannywanny's Annual Starbucks Giveaway

I won a blog contest!! To be honest, I rarely join contests or promos but after seeing the announcement over at fellow blogger Patty's website that I could win a special photo shoot for Scottie and the entire family, I took some time out to follow the mechanics and to submit my contest entry while crossing my fingers that I will be chosen. It's Christmas after all and I would like to give my dear Scottie a fun photo shoot!

Lo and behold, I got an email from Pet Photographer Denise telling me that I won the contest! YAHOOOOO!!! Lucky lucky me!! :) Thank you Patty and Denise for making me day!

Now it's time to pay it forward...

After three whole weeks of running the contest with 148 valid entries I am so excited to finally announce the winners who will be receiving a couple of Starbucks items from me! :)

starbucks winners

Without further ado... I present the Top 4 winners as chosen by!

starbucks prize 1

Mark Spencer Tan will be receiving the limited edition Coffee on the Go Backpack!!

starbucks prize 2

Amity Ong and Kristine Conception will get a Starbucks Christmas Tumbler EACH!

starbucks planner 1

Lastly.... reader Joy Mesina-Bahia brings home the Starbucks 2012 Planner!!! :)

I will be notifying the winners via email within the day :)

Merry Christmas to all!!

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