[CONTEST ALERT] Why are you more than a 10 this 2012? Win P5k CASH!
This 2012 marks my 7th year of being part of the corporate world. It all began last July 1, 2005 – exactly 15 days after my college graduation where I entered my very first office in Libis. I was a very new, and pretty young Marketing Services Officer for an international hardware brand (yes, I’m talking power tools, paints and woodworks) then. I can still remember how tiny my salary was back then that I would still rely on my parents to pay for my basic necessities. Thank God for giving me extremely generous parents. :)
With my low salary, I could hardly budget nor save for the rainy days. It really felt like me getting my school allowance only it comes twice a month not weekly. When I moved on to my second job, it was then that I was able to enjoy more luxury and at the same time learned how to budget my money wisely. Believe it or not, it was only then that I had my very first bank account. It was then that I learned the value of money and the importance of it.
Now that I’m married, all the more I have to be wise when it comes to organizing and budgeting our finances. We now have bills to consider, payables to account for and unexpected expenses that just pops out from nowhere. Believe me, it’s a crazy, complicated process.

Paul and I are extremely excited for 2012 as we feel that this will be a big year for us. There’s that plan to finally purchase our own car, to scout around for our future home and there’s that big project that almost everyone has been anticipating for. Dear readers, please cross your fingers for us… let luck be on our side!

While we have our target car in mind, we are now searching a good bank partner whom we can work with for our auto loan. Then I came across Unionbank’s Easy Loan. Incidentally, they are having a big promo wherein from November 11 to January 22, 2012, they will be offering rewards to all home and auto loan clients. In addition to this, partner auto companies will also extend additional services and rewards for every purchase made. What a deal!

As the saying goes, money makes the world go around and they surely do not grow on trees. To help one lucky reader have a great start to his/her 2012, Unionbank and I will be giving away a Php. 5,000 cash prize to anyone who can best answer this question:
The competition will definitely be steep as we’ll be awarding this to only ONE person. Please make sure to read the mechanics carefully.
How to Participate:
1) All participants must have a Twitter account.
2) Follow @myeasyloans on Twitter.
3) Tweet your answer and tag @myeasyloans and @frannywanny. End your statement with #UB111111.
4) Leave your Twitter answer URL in my comment box together with your Twitter name, Full name and Email address.
5) Contest will run from January 16 to 22, 2011. That’s exactly one week!
6) The name of the winner will be notified via email and will be announced in this blog.
Contest Guidelines: Must read
1. The answers to be tweeted must comply with all of the following guidelines:
a. Answers should not be offensive, disparaging or discriminatory to any person or entity, whether living or already deceased;
b. Answers should not threaten or charge with a vice or a crime any person or entity, whether living or already deceased;
c. Answers should not discredit or dishonor any person or entity, whether living or already deceased;
d. Answers should not use language that is impolite, malicious or offensive;
e. Answers should not draw out responses that would result to any of the foregoing;
f. Answers should not mention or draw out responses about any bank or financial product except UnionBank.
(Note: Some answers that will not be considered for judging include answers about sex, dangerous drugs, violence, crime, discrimination, racism and alcohol; topics related to breast-feeding and pregnancy; topics creating rumors or gossip; or topics making any reference to a specific person/place/brand/product/event)
2. Each Twitter account can submit as many answers. However, each account can only win once.
3. If a participant has one disqualified entry, his/her other entries may still be qualified for the promotion, dependent on the decision of the judges.
4. During the duration and at any stage of the promotion, organizers of the promotion may disqualify participants who fail to qualify with the qualifications specified in these mechanics and their decision on the matter is final.
5. UnionBank has the right to use all submitted entries in all media for marketing or promotional purposes.
6. By submitting an answer, the participant confirms that he/she has read the full mechanics of this promotion as specified in the UnionBank Facebook and Twitter Account, and agrees to abide by the terms and conditions of the same.
7. All Tweets will be screened based on their compliance with all the guidelines specified in item no. 7 of these mechanics.
8. The top entry shall be chosen by each blogger based on the following criteria:
Creativity - innovative, imaginative and out-of-the box 40%
Credits - has actual credit; realistic and truthful as determined upon winning 40%
UNIONBANK Essence - must embody UnionBank brand personality of customer-focus 20%
9. The winners shall be subjected to verification. By verification, organizers of the promotion will contact each winner via their Twitter account to verify whether he/she joined the contest. If he/she cannot be reached or he/she replied in the negative within 30 days from first attempt to contact him or her, organizers shall move on to the next participant with the highest score obtained.
10. The Twitter account of UnionBank is provided on an "As Is" and "As Available" basis and UnionBank gives no warranties of any kind, whether express, implied, statutory or otherwise including warranties or representations that materials found on the links therein, including those provided by the participants will be complete, accurate, reliable, timely, non-infringing to third parties; that access to the links found therein, including those provided by the participants will be uninterrupted or error-free; that the links found therein, including those provided by the participants will be secure; that any advice or opinion obtained from links found therein, including those provided by the participants, is accurate or to be relied upon and any representations or warranties thereto are expressly disclaimed.
11. The description of the prizes is based solely on information provided by third party manufacturers/suppliers. Likewise, with regard to the reliability of the quality of the prizes, organizers rely on the representations made by manufacturers and/or suppliers. Photographs of prizes appearing in the materials for this promotion may slightly differ from the actual items. The prizes are also covered by the manufacturer’s warranty and the winner should direct her inquiries to the manufacturer/supplier in accordance with the warranty information.
12. The award of the prizes is/are subject to availability of the item/s and while supply lasts as well as the manufacturer’s/supplier’s restrictions on the same.
13. Claiming: The prizes will be delivered to the winners at the address they indicated through contact.
14. Prize will be awarded a week after the end of the 11.11.11 Promo (Feb 2011). If winner cannot attend to claim the prize, an authorized representative can receive his/her prize on his/her behalf, the authorized representative must present the two valid ID, the winner’s valid ID and a print out of the email notification before the item is released to the authorized representative.
15. In relation to the abovementioned paragraph, if the winners do not personally claim their prizes within sixty (60) days from announcement, the unclaimed prize(s) shall be forfeited in favor of UnionBank.
16. By joining and participating in this promotion, participant confirm, agree to and acknowledge that:
UNIONBANK is permitted to receive customer registration data and that all personal information supplied by him/her will be used by UNIONBANK in accordance with its privacy policy;
a. He/she has the right to submit the answer for the promotion and holds organizers of the promotion free and harmless from any claim by third parties for violation of privacy, violation of intellectual property rights and/or damage to reputation and other instances similar to the foregoing;
b. Organizers of the promotion have the right to identify her or her as a winner in the promotion and communicate the same at any time in any territory through any medium of release (mass media, digital media, etc.)
c. He/she shall hold organizers of the promotion free and harmless from any and all claims, suits and actions for damages or liabilities that may be brought by other persons, natural or juridical, in connection with her participation in this promotion as well as the statements and declarations made by him/her or the “followers” who participated;
d. Organizers of the promotion may, without further compensation to her/her to: (a) to reproduce, distribute, adapt, modify, make available and/or communicate to the public, exhibit, or broadcast the topic(s) she submitted by any means or media without restriction of any kind as to quantity, purpose or time, whether commercial or otherwise, or to any country or territory in the world; and (b) to authorize any of the above activities;
e. Organizers of the promotion shall not be liable for any unauthorized use, reproduction and adaptations by third parties of any topic under this promotion which are not caused by them; and
f. He/she shall make no reproduction of any part of the websites herein for purposes of selling or distributing the same for commercial gain nor shall she modify or incorporate any part of the websites herein in any other work, publication or website.
17. Organizers of the promotion assume no responsibility for:
g. Any incorrect, inaccurate or incomplete information on the websites herein caused by any third party, i.e., website users, hackers, among others, or caused by any of the equipment or programming associated with or utilized in the promotion.
h. Any statement, comments or declarations made or submitted by the participants or followers of UnionBank Twitter Account who will participate in the discussion about the answers from this promotion. Said statements, comments or declarations are those of the participants or members followers of UnionBank Twitter Account and not of organizers.
i. Any technical, hardware or software failure of any kind, for lost network connections, garbled computer transmissions, and other problems or technical malfunctions in the conduct of this promotion.
j. Any error, omission, corruption, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, communications line failure, theft or destruction, or unauthorized access to or alteration of the email addresses, and Facebook accounts used in this promotion.
k. Any error, omission, corruption, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, communications line failure, theft or destruction, unauthorized access to or alteration of submissions of the contestants under this promotion or other similar instances that may occur in connection with or in relation to this promotion.
18. UNIONBANK, its parents, affiliates, subsidiaries and related companies or its officers, directors, employees, shareholders, representatives or agents shall not be responsible or liable for any damages or losses of any kind, including direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, special or punitive damages arising out of any access to and use of the UnionBank Twitter Account. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, everything on the foregoing websites herein are provided “as is”, without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for purpose or use or non-infringement.
19. Organizers of the promotion shall be entitled to cancel, discontinue or suspend this promotion on the basis of the occurrence of force majeure or any event beyond the control of organizers of the promotion that will not make it possible for them to continue with the conduct of the promotion without affecting the fairness and integrity of the same, including but not limited to the following:
a. programs are not capable of running as planned, including infection by computer virus, bugs, tampering;
b. unauthorized intervention;
c. technical failures;
d. technical malfunction of any telephone network or lines, computer on-line systems, servers, computer equipment and software;
e. failure of any e-mail account to transmit message to tganizers on account of technical problems, human error or traffic congestion on the internet or any website;
f. injury or damage to the participant’s or any other person's computer due to or resulting from participating in the promotion or downloading any materials from the Facebook website; or
g. any other causes which corrupt or affect administration, security, fairness, and integrity of selecting the participants in this promotion.
The decision of organizers to cancel, discontinue or suspend this promotion on the basis of the foregoing is final and they will not engage into any dialogue with any person regarding such decision.
With my low salary, I could hardly budget nor save for the rainy days. It really felt like me getting my school allowance only it comes twice a month not weekly. When I moved on to my second job, it was then that I was able to enjoy more luxury and at the same time learned how to budget my money wisely. Believe it or not, it was only then that I had my very first bank account. It was then that I learned the value of money and the importance of it.
Now that I’m married, all the more I have to be wise when it comes to organizing and budgeting our finances. We now have bills to consider, payables to account for and unexpected expenses that just pops out from nowhere. Believe me, it’s a crazy, complicated process.
That's a Jaguar, baby!
Paul and I are extremely excited for 2012 as we feel that this will be a big year for us. There’s that plan to finally purchase our own car, to scout around for our future home and there’s that big project that almost everyone has been anticipating for. Dear readers, please cross your fingers for us… let luck be on our side!
While we have our target car in mind, we are now searching a good bank partner whom we can work with for our auto loan. Then I came across Unionbank’s Easy Loan. Incidentally, they are having a big promo wherein from November 11 to January 22, 2012, they will be offering rewards to all home and auto loan clients. In addition to this, partner auto companies will also extend additional services and rewards for every purchase made. What a deal!
As the saying goes, money makes the world go around and they surely do not grow on trees. To help one lucky reader have a great start to his/her 2012, Unionbank and I will be giving away a Php. 5,000 cash prize to anyone who can best answer this question:
Why are you more than a 10 in 2012?
The competition will definitely be steep as we’ll be awarding this to only ONE person. Please make sure to read the mechanics carefully.
How to Participate:
1) All participants must have a Twitter account.
2) Follow @myeasyloans on Twitter.
3) Tweet your answer and tag @myeasyloans and @frannywanny. End your statement with #UB111111.
4) Leave your Twitter answer URL in my comment box together with your Twitter name, Full name and Email address.
5) Contest will run from January 16 to 22, 2011. That’s exactly one week!
6) The name of the winner will be notified via email and will be announced in this blog.
Contest Guidelines: Must read
1. The answers to be tweeted must comply with all of the following guidelines:
a. Answers should not be offensive, disparaging or discriminatory to any person or entity, whether living or already deceased;
b. Answers should not threaten or charge with a vice or a crime any person or entity, whether living or already deceased;
c. Answers should not discredit or dishonor any person or entity, whether living or already deceased;
d. Answers should not use language that is impolite, malicious or offensive;
e. Answers should not draw out responses that would result to any of the foregoing;
f. Answers should not mention or draw out responses about any bank or financial product except UnionBank.
(Note: Some answers that will not be considered for judging include answers about sex, dangerous drugs, violence, crime, discrimination, racism and alcohol; topics related to breast-feeding and pregnancy; topics creating rumors or gossip; or topics making any reference to a specific person/place/brand/product/event)
2. Each Twitter account can submit as many answers. However, each account can only win once.
3. If a participant has one disqualified entry, his/her other entries may still be qualified for the promotion, dependent on the decision of the judges.
4. During the duration and at any stage of the promotion, organizers of the promotion may disqualify participants who fail to qualify with the qualifications specified in these mechanics and their decision on the matter is final.
5. UnionBank has the right to use all submitted entries in all media for marketing or promotional purposes.
6. By submitting an answer, the participant confirms that he/she has read the full mechanics of this promotion as specified in the UnionBank Facebook and Twitter Account, and agrees to abide by the terms and conditions of the same.
7. All Tweets will be screened based on their compliance with all the guidelines specified in item no. 7 of these mechanics.
8. The top entry shall be chosen by each blogger based on the following criteria:
Creativity - innovative, imaginative and out-of-the box 40%
Credits - has actual credit; realistic and truthful as determined upon winning 40%
UNIONBANK Essence - must embody UnionBank brand personality of customer-focus 20%
9. The winners shall be subjected to verification. By verification, organizers of the promotion will contact each winner via their Twitter account to verify whether he/she joined the contest. If he/she cannot be reached or he/she replied in the negative within 30 days from first attempt to contact him or her, organizers shall move on to the next participant with the highest score obtained.
10. The Twitter account of UnionBank is provided on an "As Is" and "As Available" basis and UnionBank gives no warranties of any kind, whether express, implied, statutory or otherwise including warranties or representations that materials found on the links therein, including those provided by the participants will be complete, accurate, reliable, timely, non-infringing to third parties; that access to the links found therein, including those provided by the participants will be uninterrupted or error-free; that the links found therein, including those provided by the participants will be secure; that any advice or opinion obtained from links found therein, including those provided by the participants, is accurate or to be relied upon and any representations or warranties thereto are expressly disclaimed.
11. The description of the prizes is based solely on information provided by third party manufacturers/suppliers. Likewise, with regard to the reliability of the quality of the prizes, organizers rely on the representations made by manufacturers and/or suppliers. Photographs of prizes appearing in the materials for this promotion may slightly differ from the actual items. The prizes are also covered by the manufacturer’s warranty and the winner should direct her inquiries to the manufacturer/supplier in accordance with the warranty information.
12. The award of the prizes is/are subject to availability of the item/s and while supply lasts as well as the manufacturer’s/supplier’s restrictions on the same.
13. Claiming: The prizes will be delivered to the winners at the address they indicated through contact.
14. Prize will be awarded a week after the end of the 11.11.11 Promo (Feb 2011). If winner cannot attend to claim the prize, an authorized representative can receive his/her prize on his/her behalf, the authorized representative must present the two valid ID, the winner’s valid ID and a print out of the email notification before the item is released to the authorized representative.
15. In relation to the abovementioned paragraph, if the winners do not personally claim their prizes within sixty (60) days from announcement, the unclaimed prize(s) shall be forfeited in favor of UnionBank.
16. By joining and participating in this promotion, participant confirm, agree to and acknowledge that:
UNIONBANK is permitted to receive customer registration data and that all personal information supplied by him/her will be used by UNIONBANK in accordance with its privacy policy;
a. He/she has the right to submit the answer for the promotion and holds organizers of the promotion free and harmless from any claim by third parties for violation of privacy, violation of intellectual property rights and/or damage to reputation and other instances similar to the foregoing;
b. Organizers of the promotion have the right to identify her or her as a winner in the promotion and communicate the same at any time in any territory through any medium of release (mass media, digital media, etc.)
c. He/she shall hold organizers of the promotion free and harmless from any and all claims, suits and actions for damages or liabilities that may be brought by other persons, natural or juridical, in connection with her participation in this promotion as well as the statements and declarations made by him/her or the “followers” who participated;
d. Organizers of the promotion may, without further compensation to her/her to: (a) to reproduce, distribute, adapt, modify, make available and/or communicate to the public, exhibit, or broadcast the topic(s) she submitted by any means or media without restriction of any kind as to quantity, purpose or time, whether commercial or otherwise, or to any country or territory in the world; and (b) to authorize any of the above activities;
e. Organizers of the promotion shall not be liable for any unauthorized use, reproduction and adaptations by third parties of any topic under this promotion which are not caused by them; and
f. He/she shall make no reproduction of any part of the websites herein for purposes of selling or distributing the same for commercial gain nor shall she modify or incorporate any part of the websites herein in any other work, publication or website.
17. Organizers of the promotion assume no responsibility for:
g. Any incorrect, inaccurate or incomplete information on the websites herein caused by any third party, i.e., website users, hackers, among others, or caused by any of the equipment or programming associated with or utilized in the promotion.
h. Any statement, comments or declarations made or submitted by the participants or followers of UnionBank Twitter Account who will participate in the discussion about the answers from this promotion. Said statements, comments or declarations are those of the participants or members followers of UnionBank Twitter Account and not of organizers.
i. Any technical, hardware or software failure of any kind, for lost network connections, garbled computer transmissions, and other problems or technical malfunctions in the conduct of this promotion.
j. Any error, omission, corruption, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, communications line failure, theft or destruction, or unauthorized access to or alteration of the email addresses, and Facebook accounts used in this promotion.
k. Any error, omission, corruption, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, communications line failure, theft or destruction, unauthorized access to or alteration of submissions of the contestants under this promotion or other similar instances that may occur in connection with or in relation to this promotion.
18. UNIONBANK, its parents, affiliates, subsidiaries and related companies or its officers, directors, employees, shareholders, representatives or agents shall not be responsible or liable for any damages or losses of any kind, including direct, indirect, incidental, consequential, special or punitive damages arising out of any access to and use of the UnionBank Twitter Account. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, everything on the foregoing websites herein are provided “as is”, without warranty of any kind, either express or implied, including but not limited to, the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for purpose or use or non-infringement.
19. Organizers of the promotion shall be entitled to cancel, discontinue or suspend this promotion on the basis of the occurrence of force majeure or any event beyond the control of organizers of the promotion that will not make it possible for them to continue with the conduct of the promotion without affecting the fairness and integrity of the same, including but not limited to the following:
a. programs are not capable of running as planned, including infection by computer virus, bugs, tampering;
b. unauthorized intervention;
c. technical failures;
d. technical malfunction of any telephone network or lines, computer on-line systems, servers, computer equipment and software;
e. failure of any e-mail account to transmit message to tganizers on account of technical problems, human error or traffic congestion on the internet or any website;
f. injury or damage to the participant’s or any other person's computer due to or resulting from participating in the promotion or downloading any materials from the Facebook website; or
g. any other causes which corrupt or affect administration, security, fairness, and integrity of selecting the participants in this promotion.
The decision of organizers to cancel, discontinue or suspend this promotion on the basis of the foregoing is final and they will not engage into any dialogue with any person regarding such decision.
Let’s have a great start this 2012! Join now!! :)
* photo credit: Jaguar Official Website,Aryty Blog