Bitten by the Travel Bug and The BIG Summer Outlet Sale!

Off I go again!

For the next four days, I'll take another break as I go incommunicado to a not-so-far-away-land for a short business trip. Here,  I look forward to enjoying the majestic structures that has been standing for centuries, to indulge in the richest and yummiest food and to somehow reconnect with my roots. Yes, I'm flying off to Beijing, China and believe it or not, it will actually be my first trip abroad that I'll be on my own. No Paul, no family, no friends or colleagues to be with me.

I'll surely miss Paul as he would automatically hold my hand as the plane takes off and lands on the ground. How he would take care of packing our bags and carry all of them while leaving the lightest baggage for me to pull around. How I wish he'll be there to experience Beijing with me. Without him, all the more I'll strive harder (and save more) for us to be able to visit China soon. ♥

Click here to learn how to apply for a Chinese Visa.
Don't you just love to travel? I always treasure the learnings that I get in every trip that I take. The things you see for yourself, the experience you'll only get as you immerse yourself in a new culture, the food that never fails to blow me away. My first ever trip was when I was 7 and despite getting airsick then, that never stop me from feeling all giddy and excited whenever talks about traveling comes up.

Another thing that I love about traveling is the fact that I get to have a good reason to shop. I must admit my shopaholic self has retired years ago but deep within me, the spirit is still there. I know it. The way my heart leaps whenever I get to score a good deal or how my eyes would expertly scan the shelf for a promising piece. I'd say, once a shopaholic...always a shopaholic.

Big Outlet Summer for Philstar 5colx20cm
The BIG Summer Outlet Sale is HERE!  Save the date -- April 27-29,2012 (Friday-Sunday) from 10AM to 9PM at the SMX Convention Center, Hall 1.

I love sales. Who doesn't? The fact that you get to purchase really good items for a fraction of the regular price, isn't that enough to make you feel triumphant after spending hours of haggling or going through stalls after stalls of shoes, bags or clothes? One bazaar that I always make sure to check out is the BIG Summer Outlet Sale organized by fellow blogger and friend Jean. This particular sale would push Paul and I to wake up extra early on a weekend to be one of the early birds who hopefully will score great deals and cool items. Last time, I brought home a cute purple USB speaker that I use for my work presentations. Paul loved his new pair of shoes and some shirts that he got for more than half the price. We were so happy that we even signed up for a BPI credit card to ensure that we get free entrance all the time.

Once again, entrance is FREE for ALL BPI cardholders (with a valid ID). In addition to this, BPI cardholders get special discounts in select stalls too! For those who do not have a BPI card, entrance fee is only Php. 50. Check out the kind of discounts that BPI cardholders can enjoy during the sale!

TBSOS (Inside Flyer)

See you next weekend at the BIG Summer Outlet Sale! :)

map SMX 
venue map

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