Let's Stay in Touch! Frannywanny on Facebook

Hello my dear readers,

I know I haven't been very regular in updating this blog. You see, Paul and I recently have temporary relocated to the Lion City and we have been extremely busy getting used to a whole new life here. Thankfully, we're doing very well and I, personally, have become used to and do appreciate the morning and afternoon long walks to and from the nearest bus station. I'm finally getting that much-needed exercise that I've been forever evading in Manila. Yes, I can hear my Mommy thanking the BIG GUY that I'm finally getting more physical activity. Haha!

It's no secret that I miss Manila very much and while I may be in the land of Hainanese Chicken and Char Kuey Teows, I do miss food back home. Luckily though, I still have a month-long worth of Manila food stories to share with all of you. Once in a while, I'll inject some entries on my food discoveries here too.

Meanwhile, let's stay in touch okay? One way is to like my Facebook page! To ensure that you get regular updates, please click on the "Get Notification" and "Show in News Feed" options under the LIKED box.

See image below:
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For readers based in Singapore, do shoot me an email and I'd loveeeeee to meet you!!! ♥

Till then Manila,

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