On Tweets and Pins: Frannywanny.com on Social Media
Admit it, what are the first 3 things that you do when you wake up in the morning? Let me make a guess -- stretch, reach for your phone/tab and check Facebook. Correct? I'm pretty sure there are more than a hundred of you nodding in agreement right now. Don't be shy... I do that too.

Welcome to the social media world. Where every special milestone in your life is being celebrated by hundreds or thousands of people that's connected to you Whatever platform it may be, everyone in your network gets to witness you falling in love, getting into a relationship, being engaged and getting married. Later on, these people will also be the "first" to have a glimpse of your babies too. Social media has proven how it can reconnect lives. I personally was able to touch base with friends whom I haven't spoken to in more than a decade. That I believe is the beauty of social media.

Here at Frannywanny.com, I want to offer you a wider experience beyond reading about my food and travel adventures through this blog. I want to also give you quick, real time updates via Twitter, pretty snapshots of what I'm munching on at that exact moment via Instagram (@frannywanny) and my personal dream board via Pinterest.
Just this morning, I was so thrilled to find out that I've finally crossed the 1K mark in Twitter! Thank you so much to all those who are following me! *hugs hugs hugs*
I hope you can also follow me on Pinterest, my new project where I will be sharing with you photos of the places that I've been and dream to visit soon, some dishes that I hope to produce from my kitchen and more images that somehow embodies my daily thoughts and dreams.
Let's connect, shall we? :)