Thinking of Mommy on Mother's Day

A mother holds her children’s hands for a while, but their hearts forever 
- Unknown
While doing my research for work a couple of days ago, I chanced upon this quote and I liked it. For one, I think it's so true by just looking at how my own mommy cares for us. I've mentioned before that despite being an adult myself, I still do get my Mommy's weekly reminders -- eat well, exercise often, get enough sleep, don't stress yourself out so much, take vitamins, don't eat too many fatty/oily food, cook more veggies...and the list goes on and on. I live thousands of miles away from home and this doesn't stop my mom in sending me her daily sms to check whether I've had dinner, if I'm home and what am I doing up so late. Surprisingly, I do appreciate all these messages and nothing brightens my day than hearing from my family.

mommy and frannywanny
Theater lovers -- Me and Mommy
During one of my long walks home, I was able to think. Not about what I have to do at work, not about what I'll be eating for dinner but about my life. Everyday, I am thankful that He has blessed me with so many things. Finally, I found a career that I am so passionate about. I've been pretty lucky in the career-front. After all, not a lot of people can say that they have fulfilled a big childhood dream at the young age of 28. Then I began backtracking. Initially, I would say it's all luck and fate but looking beyond that, I thought of my parents.

Friends whom I grew up with are witness to how both my parents would bring us and pick us up from school. They did this every single day ever since I was in nursery up until I learned how to drive on my own..which was during my university years. They've NEVER been absent in any special activity that we may have. Even Papa would be there during Open Houses, school performances and of course, our graduation ceremonies. My Mom has always been joining our field trips as one of the class mommies and unlike others who would probably detest having their moms around, I honestly enjoyed every moment of it. Basically, what I'm trying to say is -- I wouldn't be ME without my parents. They were not instant millionaires and they've obviously made it clear to me and to Pan that money do not grow on trees. How they were able to send me and my sister to the best schools in the country is due to their hard work and determination. As a result, we got the best education which has equipped us with quality know-how to be able to face the competitive world that we are in now.

Sunday is Mother's Day and I feel a bit sad that I won't be home to celebrate it with Mommy. However, what she doesn't know is I've prepared a little surprise for her. I am praying that she won't read this before Sunday as I'm taking a big risk by revealing it here to all of you. Mommy is not the type who likes cakes as she isn't fond of anything overly sweet, creamy or oily. Just like me, she would scrape ALL the icings away and just eat the chiffon cake inside. So sending her a cake is out of the question.

fruits in bloom mother's day
Then I remembered Fruits in Bloom. I've always been a fan of their beautiful fruit arrangements since 2010. I then remembered how both Mommy and I were so happy to receive a fruit bouquet last year and we were the only ones who finished ALL the fruits in the basket. It's perfect that Fruits in Bloom has a special Mother's Day arrangment which consists of red and green apples, strawberries, orange slices, grapes and bananas covered in chocolate. It's so pretty, don't you think?

They can customize the arrangements for you too! These arrangements cost around Php. 1,500 - Php. 2,500. We got 2 days left to Mother's Day! If you're still thinking of a good gift for your own Mom/Mommy/Mama/Mother/Nanay, why not give her something different and check out Fruits in Bloom too?

Visit Fruits in Bloom at Ground Floor of Frabella Bldg., 109 Rada St., Legaspi Village Makati City. Call them at 8120380 or 0915-3269136.

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