Excuse me while I disappear...

They say home is truly where the heart is.

frannywanny 1
Some of you may have noticed that I haven't been updating this blog for a few days already. Well, it's because both Paul and I are extremely busy at the moment. You see, three VIPs flew in over the weekend and we've been happily taking them to our favorite restaurants, hang out places and basically showing them how our lives have been for the past months even introducing them to some of the people whom we consider like family here.

These VIPs are indeed the most important people in my life.. they are my family. That's Papa, Mommy and Pan. You have no idea how excited I've been since their plans to visit us here have been finalized just a few weeks ago. Everyday, I would look forward to the day they will arrive and that is possibly the reason why I've been wearing an extremely happy smile on my face that some of my dearest friends have been noticing.

I honestly didn't realized how much I missed them until I finally was able to give them all big hugs and kisses again. I'm somehow dreading the day they'll have to fly back home and it will be months before I can see them in the flesh again.

Thus, while I can. Allow me to take a short leave of absence as I spend all the time possible with the VIPs of my life. ♥

Meanwhile, do get updates on my eating whereabouts via Facebook and Instagram (@frannywanny). See you there!

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