I got STAMPED! : Customized Mobile Cases
Do you have a collection?
I do! Back when I was a kid, I used to collect stickers and stationary sets. My dad has always been very supportive as he would bring home all sorts of stickers to fill my album. From fuzzy to shiny ones, we would even buy whenever we would have our family vacations abroad. Later on, I moved on to collecting Starbucks City Mugs. I really get all giddy whenever I get to bring home a new mug to add to my collection. Each mug reminds me of all the fun travel adventures that I had in those cities.
Ever since I bought my iPhone 4S, I began a new collection. Thanks to my ever supportive sister and in laws, I now have a growing iPhone casing collection! I love matching my casing to my outfits or changing it to suit the occasion. My MIL even got me bejeweled ones which I love very much despite the additional weight it gives to my bag. It's just so classy!
I'd call it fate that I chanced upon Stamped PH. It has been months since I've had a new casing and I think my phone needs a new look. Stamped PH can customize your casings depending on your style. Browsing through their Facebook page, I was so excited that I quickly sent them an email to inquire.
I'm so happy that they respond pretty quickly and within hours I was able to send them a couple of pictures that I want for my casings. I got two for my iPhone 4S (Php. 450 each) and one for my friend I whom I wanted to surprise with her own customized casing for her newly bought Samsung Note II (Php. 550)!
Transacting with them was very smooth and quick. After receiving my first set of drafts, I replied back with my comments and the entire revision and approval happened the next day. As soon as I made my payment in the bank and informed them that I've done so, my pretty mobile casings were shipped out the very next day via Xend. To be honest, I was a bit nervous when I found out that they used this particular courier company given the terrible experience that I had with them (Xend) before.
Luck was on my side as the mobile casings arrived the next day and here they are now, here with me in the Lion City! Special thanks to my dear MIL who hand-carried these babies to me today. ♥

If you want to have your own mobile casings done, simply email Stamped PH at gotstamped.ph@gmail.com or visit them on Facebook too.
I do! Back when I was a kid, I used to collect stickers and stationary sets. My dad has always been very supportive as he would bring home all sorts of stickers to fill my album. From fuzzy to shiny ones, we would even buy whenever we would have our family vacations abroad. Later on, I moved on to collecting Starbucks City Mugs. I really get all giddy whenever I get to bring home a new mug to add to my collection. Each mug reminds me of all the fun travel adventures that I had in those cities.
Ever since I bought my iPhone 4S, I began a new collection. Thanks to my ever supportive sister and in laws, I now have a growing iPhone casing collection! I love matching my casing to my outfits or changing it to suit the occasion. My MIL even got me bejeweled ones which I love very much despite the additional weight it gives to my bag. It's just so classy!
I'd call it fate that I chanced upon Stamped PH. It has been months since I've had a new casing and I think my phone needs a new look. Stamped PH can customize your casings depending on your style. Browsing through their Facebook page, I was so excited that I quickly sent them an email to inquire.
Transacting with them was very smooth and quick. After receiving my first set of drafts, I replied back with my comments and the entire revision and approval happened the next day. As soon as I made my payment in the bank and informed them that I've done so, my pretty mobile casings were shipped out the very next day via Xend. To be honest, I was a bit nervous when I found out that they used this particular courier company given the terrible experience that I had with them (Xend) before.
Luck was on my side as the mobile casings arrived the next day and here they are now, here with me in the Lion City! Special thanks to my dear MIL who hand-carried these babies to me today. ♥
If you want to have your own mobile casings done, simply email Stamped PH at gotstamped.ph@gmail.com or visit them on Facebook too.