Mangan Tamu! Jun Jun’s Restaurant at San Fernando, Pampanga

Remember I was telling you about my MIL’s superb taste in food? Well, here’s a perfect example that the apple sure doesn’t fall far from the tree. My husband Paul has inherited this special trait and this is why I’m so lucky to have someone who totally supports my food tripping ways.

Not that I want to stereotype but I believe that people who belongs to a certain area shares a number of common characteristics and behaviors. I don’t have to go far to prove this point. Since the Philippines has a total of 81 provinces, you can see how different one can be from another. They say the Ilonggos of Ilo-Ilo have an extremely sweet demeanor and I can attest to this by just listening to my friend T speak. She would talk in a sing-song voice even when she’s annoyed or mad. Amazing, I tell you.

As for Paul, they hail from Pampanga where, to me, is the land of yumminess that's located north of Metro Manila. This is where you can experience having a lunch feast that could last for hours on end! The food never stops coming! My first Capampangan lunch began a little before 12noon and we finally stood up at 4PM! It’s food madness. I feel that the Capampangans have such high regard for food where they don’t just see it as the edible thing that you have to take to keep you alive but for them it’s a way of life. It’s part of their lifestyle and somehow they have brought out the beauty of eating and feasting as a family.

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This is also the reason why I always look forward to visiting Paul's hometown in Pampanga. Every trip, no matter how short or long it may be, it's always a chance for me to try something new. I've been frequenting Pampanga for a decade already and Jun Jun's has always been one of my favourites. It's a simple restaurant that specializes in chicken barbecue, sisig and more. If Manila has Aristrocrat and Alex III, then this is Pampanga's version of it.

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Jun Jun's, as I was told, has been around since the 1960s. This is always where my in laws would have their family dinners whenever they crave for real good chicken barbecue. The menu has grown over time and it can be quite confusing given the long list of items available. To keep things simple, we would stick to their value meals where we get the chance to have a little of everything. Sounds like a fun buffet on my plate, don't you think?

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During one visit, I got the Value Meal Package A (Php. 125) which is a plate of Chicken Barbecue, Chopsuey and Jun Jun's Fried Rice. The chicken meat was very tender and I love dipping it into their homemade "java" sauce. As for the Jun Jun's Fried Rice, this is their own creation of garlic rice with a little soy sauce in it. It's very simple but went perfectly well with any kind of meat dishes that you order. As for the chopsuey, I'm not a big fan of it so these all went directly to Paul's plate.

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One thing that we always order is Jun Jun's signature Sisig (Php. 160). Well, anywhere in Pampanga serves really good sisig but this is where we'd go whenever the craving comes up and a trip to Aling Lucing's is just out of the way. I like my sisig slightly crunchy and with lots of onions and calamansi juice. It's so good and best eaten piping hot.

I really miss dining at Jun Jun's and can't wait for my next trip back to Pampanga. I also remember enjoying their bibingka and noodles too!

Read about my cousin-in-law Lovely's review here.

Jun Jun's Restaurant is located along McArthur Highway, City of San Fernando in Pampanga. They also have branches in Angeles and Guagua, Pampanga. 

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