Snack Time: Happy Cookie
Have you catch the latest video that has been getting a lot of appearance and exposure 'round the social media channels? It's a funny skit created by Jimmy Fellon (such a talented guy) and Justin Timberlake entitled "Hashtag." This is what is called a hastag -- > ; # Show this sign to most of our parents and they'll say it's a number sign. For phone users, they'll say it's the pound sign. For Instagram and Twitter fans, it's definitely called a Hashtag . I'm pretty guilty of using hashtags in most of my Twitter and Instagram captions. An #example would be something as #classic as this in hopes that using #hashtags would make the word #trend . #yeahimcoollikethat #wishing The video made me think of cookies and speaking of #cookies ( hehe okay I'll stop ), let me share with you one discovery that I had during my short visit home. Meet Happy Cookie !