Pi of Pizza Pie: Peperoni Pizzeria in Zion Road, Singapore
Don't you just love pizza? For me, it's such a comforting thing to have at whatever given time of the day. I just love having pizza when hanging out with friends or whenever I'm home and I'm just too lazy to whip something up from the kitchen. Pizza makes a great house party choice and I love having this with lots and lots of sprinkled cheese on top. We're lucky as Manila has a lot of good pizza options and sadly, this is not the case here in the Lion City. I've tried about 4 pizza brands here that offers home delivery service and somehow I haven't really found THE ONE then. Either the crust was just too hard, the flavor was really bland or the entire pizza has become quite stale and cold due to the long time it took them to deliver to our house. Oh how I miss my all-time favourites Roasted Garlic & Shrimp Pizza, Friday's Special or the ever-famous Stuffed Crust Hawaiian Pizza back home. *sigh*

The pizza comes in three sizes: 9", 12" or 21". You can see the prices listed above. Initially, O questioned the logic behind how the pizza was priced. You see, the 21" (S$50) pizza is even more expensive than two 12" pizzas (S$24). A, being our resident "Sheldon Cooper" began explaining that it has something to do with the circumferential area of the pizza. So with his phone calculator, O began computing away. Yes, we got math wizards on the table!

Look at O's computation. We seriously took note of this before making our choice. Am I so glad we were dining with them as had it just been me and Paul, I would have probably insisted that we go for two 12" sized pizza and would even feel triumphant after.

The second flavor that we got was the Frutti di Mare. Obviously, my choice. I love seafood pizza and I was curious to give this a try. In contrast to the very generous serving of the first flavor, we were quite disappointed to see that the other side was pretty bare as they have just added in a few squid, prawns, fish fillet and scallops. It was good but definitely not the best.

To go with our pizza, we had a plate of Calamari Fritti (S$14). I liked it as it had a good crunch and it came with two types of dips: mayonnaise and Arrabiatta sauce. The breading reminds me of TGI Friday's Mozzarella Sticks. Yummy!
Anyway, we're not the kind who gives up so one night after hearing mass, Paul and I joined our friends O, A and D for dinner at Peperoni Pizzeria down Zion Road. We got there before 7pm and the place was already packed with hungry diners. Wow! It must be THAT good.
Since we got a HUGE pizza, we were allowed to choose two flavors from the menu. Yay! We went for the Prosciutto Crudo di Parma which was loaded with thinly-sliced prosciutto (ham) and rocket salad. Really, when they said it will be topped with rocket salad, I was expecting a handful of greens sprikled here and there but definitely not one that resembles my grandma's grassy garden! Anyway, not complaining here as the veggies were definitely very fresh and I loved how it has added texture to the pizza.
Anyway, it was pretty obvious which flavor we liked the most. I'll definitely skip the Frutti di Mare next time and will definitely stay loyal to the Prosciutto. This is probably one of the best pizza that I've had in Singapore so far. My only complain is the crust. I love thin crusted pizza but this one was extremely thin that we were all making a huge mess as the pizza would break given the weight of the toppings. If they can make it a bit thicker then it would have been perfect.
It was a fun night out with friends and I'm glad that I finally found a good pizza place that would satisfy my pizza craving anytime. Still I hope my favorite YC Pizza from home would consider branching out to this side of the world.
Peperoni Pizzeria is located at 56 Zion Road, Singapore 247781. For reservations, take-out or delivery call them at (+65) 6732 3253. They also have 3 other branches around Singapore.