Bottle Up! : Vom Fass in Shangri-la Mall

After our delicious family dinner at Green Pastures a couple of weeks ago, my parents and sister decided to take their balikbayan daughter (yours truly) and son-in-law (Paul) on a quick tour around the new wing of Shangri-la Mall. The last time we were here was during our visit last March where it was newly opened and there were just about 10 stores present then. At present, the mall is alive with shoppers and diners alike. We started from the top-most floor and lately worked our way down.

As we reached the Ground Floor, we chanced upon a store that's filled with identical looking jars. Peering inside, we saw labels that says "Oils", "Vinegars", "Liqueurs & Spirits" and more. With our curiosity reaching its peak, we all went in to really see what the store is all about.

Welcome to Vom Fass, says the friendly staff. First we were given samples of their homemade Blueberry Wine (Php. 400) which was very light and fruity. Papa and Paul had two sample cups each while Pan and I loved it that we immediately got ourselves a bottle to enjoy at home.

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We continued to explore the store starting with these wooden barrels that contains a wide array of hard liqueurs such as Scotch and Cognac. Daddy drinks, if I may call them. True enough, my dad was the one who was most interested in this section and the staff gladly gave him samples of these drinks. I had to stop him from giving my Papa more after 3 sample cups.

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Over to this wall are specially mixed drinks such as the citrus-y Limoncino from Italy, Whisky Cream Liqueur and a lot more. This would make perfect party drinks, don't you think? They also have the famous Absinthe which used to be known as a dangerously addictive drink due to its high alcohol content. Oh, I wonder who dare drinks this!

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As they say, presentation is key. So, make sure to fill up these bottles with your liqueur of choice to make your gift-giving even more exciting. I'm loving the stackable bottles which can also be used for something else later on.

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While both Papa and Paul were busy checking out this side of the store, my Mom and Pan were very fascinated with the Oil and Vinegar wall. Now, this is perfect for your friend or relative who loves to cook.

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I've always wanted to create my very own salad dressing and with all these oil and vinegar available, I now can do that! I can't believe they have Calamansi Vinegar, Honey Vinegar and more! Really interesting.

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Look! They even have a jar of White Truffle Oil (Php. 330/100ml). Wish they had some bread slices for me to be able to try this. I'm definitely going back to buy myself a bottle of this for my next kitchen creation.

This is such a cool store and I was surprised when they mentioned that they actually have a store here Ion Orchard, Singapore. I can't wait to go back home to stock up on my own vinaigrette creations and maybe will get more of that delicious Blueberry Wine too!

Vom Fass is located at the Lower Ground Floor of the new East Wing of Shangri-la Mall, Mandaluyong City. Call them at 470-5541. 

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