Of Sugar and Spice : Sweet Incantations Confectionery in Cebu City

"Sugar and spice, and everything nice, That's what little girls are made of."

Truth to be told, it really seems like girls or women have this on-going love affair and fascination towards dessert, agree? So, when I met up with fellow blogger Justinne for a double dinner date in Cebu City last December and we both agreed to have dessert after, our ever supportive and loving partners just willingly went along with the plan. After all, they know better than to stand in the way of true love dessert.

I'm so glad that Justinne and her beau Luis knew just the perfect place to take us to. Located close to Ayala Center Cebu, Sweet Incantations Confectionery is a cozy looking shop that specializes in cupcakes and homemade ice cream. I totally love the minimalist interiors of this cafe -- black chairs, marbled top tables and wooden serving plates. Simple yet classy!

sweet incantation cebu 1
We were the only customers that evening which is rare as Justine and her beau L told us that we went perfectly after the holiday rush so not a lot of people are out during this period or most went overseas. No complains though as I'm happy to have the place to ourselves...that and the server's undivided attention bwahaha!

I tell you, it was hard to make a choice as there were 10 available flavors and we agreed to just get 1 cupcake and 1 ice cream per couple. What?! After multiple rounds of eenie-mini-miney-moes, we went for the Chocomallow which is a moist and dense chocolate cupcake topped with chocolate marshmallow frosting and sprinkled with while chocolate shavings and mini marshmallows. I love anything with marshmallows while Paul is a chocolate fan so this cupcake totally won our hearts and got two thumbs up signs from us.

Choosing our ice cream was easier as my eyes immediately zeroed in on the Espressamel (Php. 80/single scoop). Besides, there were only 4 flavors to choose from -- Espressamel, Monkey Berry, My Name is Earl and Chocoholic Anonymous. We both love espresso-flavored desserts so this one was a no brainer. The ice cream was delicious! I love the silky smooth texture and the strong sweet espresso flavor too. There's actually a cupcake version of the same flavor and I'm definitely trying that out next time. I also like the additional touch of having a piece of crunchy waffle on top of the ice cream.

Now, before I end this short piece, let me share a little words of wisdom with you:


Seriously, please do not ever let anyone in this universe pull you down. Believe in yourself and if some people try to say mean things to you, learn to stay firm and if needed... fight back! Back then, I thought bullying is just for school-age kids. Boy, I was wrong. Adults also do get bullied and you know what's funny? The real bullies are insecure cowards who are hiding behind thick, dark masks. They find joy in insulting people, making people feel inferior and once they sense fear then that's when they feel happy, superior and satisfied. The best way to remedy this is to believe in yourself. Remind yourself of your worth. Surround yourself with people who means the world to you and that's all you need to live a happier life. ♥ 

Check out Sweet Incantations Confectionery in Unit 102 AVAGAR Building, Escario cor. Molave St., Cebu City.

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