Onwards to 2016

This year flew by in bullet train speed. I can't believe we're a few hours away from bidding 2015 goodbye and saying hello to 2016. People say that time flies when you're having fun. Well, I guess for most parts, that's true but I also have experienced my biggest heartbreak (to date) a few months back when my beautiful Amah lost her battle to ugly cancer and left us all in this world. Sometimes, I would forget that she's gone and would excitedly look forward to flying home to Manila to see her and Angkong. *sigh*

On the other hand, our family recently celebrated a big milestone when my sister tied the knot to my new brother-in-law E. That was a really fun occasion and I'm pretty sure that even Amah was up there smiling and watching as the festivities unfold.

Anyway, amidst all the ups and downs, this year has really taught me the true meaning and importance of FAMILY. I've been flying back and forth Singapore and Manila for the past months and while air travel can really be tiring, I look forward to every single moment that I can spend not only with my own family but with my in laws too. Indeed, we're truly blessed to have the best set of parents, the coolest grandparents, the most supportive siblings and extended relatives too. What more can we ask for, right?

May 2016 be a happier year all 366 days (yeah it's a leap year!) for all of us.

Happy New Year, dear readers! 

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