Chir Chir Fusion Chicken Factory at Chinatown Point #chirchirsg

How many ways can you cook a chicken?

Apparently, in Chir Chir Fusion Chicken Factory, there's more than the usual deep-fry, pan-fry, saute, boil, steam, roast, grill and even the fancy sous vide. In fact, they boast of having over 20 variations of fried and roasted chicken cooked and served in so many ways that I don't think it's possible to have exactly the same things every time you visit. After their grand opening at 313 Somerset last year, they've expanded to two more locations namely Bedok Point and the latest outlet in Chinatown Point.

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I was so excited for this particular visit because of three main things -- I've been wanting to try Chir Chir Fusion Chicken Factory since I heard about its opening last year but I never really got around to visiting their 313 Somerset branch, Chinatown Point is so near my workplace so that means more lunch out options and lastly, they recently launched this mouthwatering Honey Butter Chicken and being a huge fan of anything with honey + butter + chicken, I got there with a stomach ready to feast!

Chir Chir Fusion Chicken Factory specializes in Korean-style fried chicken but not only that, they also have a good mix of Korean snacks and some all-time favorites too. What's so cool about Korean restaurants is that they have this fun, cutesy vibe all the time. This can be seen in the restaurant's interiors, through the Korean MTV blasting from the TV screens and on their food too. After all, have you heard of Chir Chir's Nest Snow which are Cajun chicken tenders topped with melted cheese and...wait for it..wait for it...whipped cream! Oh my goodness! I don't dare try it as I can't take whipped cream anyway but I was told that it was good.

Let me show you all what I had that evening at Chir Chir Fusion Chicken Factory:

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We started our meal with a sizzling plate of Topokki & Cheese (S$9.90). I tell you, one bite and this totally won my heart. It helped too that I love topokki which is the traditional Korean rice cakes and when you mix it with oozing melted cheese and served with chicken ham and bacon bits.. ohhhh heaven! It's very similar to Mac and Cheese, only it's much much better! It was truly 맛있는!

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We didn't had to wait long for the star of the dinner table to arrive. Following our delicious starter, we had the much-awaited Honey Butter Chicken (S$28.90) which is the BOMB! It's a huge platter which can be shared by 4-5 pax and it's loaded with boneless deep-fried chicken, fried topokki (rice cakes), potato wedges, dried cranberries, sliced almonds and the one that makes it such a winning dish -- the honey butter sauce. The chicken was cut into small bite size portions making it easy to dip into the sauce. I love using the finger thongs that they have provided us with making it such a breeze to pick up food and to enjoy our chicken without getting our fingers oily.

instagram frannywanny calbee honey butter
Since last year, my friend T has been telling me about this growing craze on honey butter anything in Korea. I thought that it's similar to the salted egg trend that we have here in Singapore. Then she sent me a pack of Calbee Honey Butter Potato Chips which she said has always been sold out in Korea and one buyer can only buy 2 packs. Wow! Potato chips with buying limits, the craze must really be intense. I tried it and it was delicious! I love the buttery sweetness that I got in every bite, No wonder it was such a hit. Well then, a year after, the honey butter craze is slowly reaching our shores and Chir Chir's Honey Butter Chicken is indeed at the forefront of this growing foodie trend.

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To balance out the cheesy and buttery flavors, we had the Spicy Seafood Soup (S$26.90) which I find to have a nice homey, comforting taste. Initially, I was scared that it would be too spicy for me but well, I managed to enjoy my bowl of soup so I'd say in the spiciness scale of 1-5, 5 being the highest, it's somewhere around 2 or 3. Not so bad. Anyway, the soup is loaded with squid, clams, crayfish, prawns, mussels and glass noodles. This can actually be a meal on it's own especially for those who wants a delicious, seafood-loaded lunch.

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After proudly declaring that I could handle the Spicy Seafood Soup, I had the biggest spicy jolt after taking a bite of the Spicy Topokki (S$15.90) with Breaded Chicken (+S$4). I clearly love topokki but after taking a small bite of the rice cake which has been immersed in this spicy gochujang soup stock, I quickly felt my tongue firing up making it hard for me to take another bite. Ohh this was intense! Give it a try and see if you can handle the heat. This dish sounds promising though as it's filled with topokki, Cajun battered squid (sotong), deep-fried hard boiled egg, breaded chicken and sweet potato cubes.

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Anyway, I was ready to try the last dish which was the Rosemary Chicken (S$29.90). I got to admit that this one was the most non-K-pop-ish dish of the night but I didn't mind at all. Once in a while, we go for what has been tried and tested before and that means sticking with the classic dishes. If roasted chicken is your thing, then you'll love this super tender whole roasted chicken which was marinated for 12 hours and served with salt-baked egg, tomato salsa dip and baked potato with sour cream. This is one that I wouldn't mind having for Christmas or Thanksgiving Day even. We each picked our favorite piece and I'm happy to share that my chicken thigh was so tender and juicy. I love it!

To go with our meal, we tried some of their homemade smoothies which are so cute!

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We tried the Raspberry (S$12.90) and the Aqua (S$12.90) smoothies which came in a huge-sized glass and it's just so pretty that we spent a good 3 minutes or so shooting every possible angle of these drinks. Between the two though, I love the Raspberry since I love anything fruity and the raspberry ice slushie went so well with the mango puree base. My only gripe is that whipped cream on top. I'll make sure to ask them to remove that next time.

Winner winner chicken dinner!

That's exactly how I'd describe our dinner at Chir Chir Chicken and I can't wait to go back for more of the Topokki and Cheese as well as the Honey Butter Chicken. Ohhh be still my heart. ♥

Check out Chir Chir Fusion Chicken Factory at Chinatown Point (#01-43), 313 Somerset (#B3-04-06) and Bedok Point (#02-05). Follow them on Facebook and Instagram for more updates and promotions. 

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