Just like that the 1st of June is over and I'm officially 34 years old. Yay? Definitely, another year hopefully filled with more blessings, more adventures and more happiness.
So how did I celebrate my birthday? I'd say, I got what I wished for. I simply just wanted to relax all day and waking up past the normal waking hour on a weekday was definitely a good way to start my birthday. This was followed by a delicious Japanese lunch buffet with Paul and a trip to our happy place -- IKEA. After this, I pretty much stayed home and relaxed some more. As you all know, my birthday celebration doesn't end with just one day. I can't wait to celebrate this with my closest friends here in Singapore too!

It was definitely a day filled with so much love. I have yet to reply to all 100++ messages that friends have sent to wish me a happy birthday and there were those surprises that made my day extra special. Like that yummy Cedele Carrot Cake that my best friends T and E sent all the way from Manila c/o their accomplice, Paul.

Plus those two surprise greeting cards that I got from my very own family which arrived just in time for my birthday! I'm really a lucky lucky girl to have all of them in my life.

However, on my birthday, the real superstar really should be my Mommy. 34 years ago, she was the one who had to go through 9 whole months of bed rest just to have me. Can you imagine being stuck at home for a month? Sounds like torture, right? Then imagine my Mommy who had to do that for 9 whole months! That was such a great sacrifice and when I was finally born, her sacrifice as a mom didn't end there. In fact, I think it was the start of a series of lifelong sacrifices.
From the day I was born up until this very minute, my Mom has never stopped showering me with so much love and affection. From sleepless nights as I was told that I wasn't an easy baby to trying to learn how to raise a child and I must say she and Papa aced it with flying colors. My mom is truly a modern-day superhero. Being able to juggle being an amazing mom, a loving wife to Papa and a great leader at work. Every time I get to be her date during any of her company events, random strangers would come up to me to say how awesome my mom is as a person and as a colleague. That never fails to get me beaming as her proud daughter.

So, my birthday wish this year is simple. I hope that when the time comes that I become a mom myself, I can just be like my Mommy. Actually, if only I can be 3/4th the Mom my Mommy is, I'd feel really lucky. That and if I can someday inherit her 23-inch waistline too. ;)
Here's to a fun year ahead! :)
Meanwhile, here's a quick look back at my past birthdays:
27th birthday
28th birthday
29th birthday
30th birthday
31st birthday
32nd birthday
33rd birthday
So how did I celebrate my birthday? I'd say, I got what I wished for. I simply just wanted to relax all day and waking up past the normal waking hour on a weekday was definitely a good way to start my birthday. This was followed by a delicious Japanese lunch buffet with Paul and a trip to our happy place -- IKEA. After this, I pretty much stayed home and relaxed some more. As you all know, my birthday celebration doesn't end with just one day. I can't wait to celebrate this with my closest friends here in Singapore too!

From the day I was born up until this very minute, my Mom has never stopped showering me with so much love and affection. From sleepless nights as I was told that I wasn't an easy baby to trying to learn how to raise a child and I must say she and Papa aced it with flying colors. My mom is truly a modern-day superhero. Being able to juggle being an amazing mom, a loving wife to Papa and a great leader at work. Every time I get to be her date during any of her company events, random strangers would come up to me to say how awesome my mom is as a person and as a colleague. That never fails to get me beaming as her proud daughter.

Here's to a fun year ahead! :)
Meanwhile, here's a quick look back at my past birthdays:
27th birthday
28th birthday
29th birthday
30th birthday
31st birthday
32nd birthday
33rd birthday