Lumbung Sari: House of Coffee in Ubud, Bali

Aside from its beautiful beaches and sunset views, Bali is also known for its coffee. Actually Indonesia is one of the world's top coffee producers and Bali, in particular, is known for a certain type of coffee called kopi luwak. It's actually one of the more premium kind and this is because of how it's produced. Kopi Luwak otherwise known as civet coffee is produced by this tiny furry creature called the civet cat. They're fed coffee cherries and the coffee beans actually comes out when they poop. I know it sounds gross but people believe that the enzymes produced by the civet cat and the fermentation that happens inside is body brings more flavor and improves the quality of the coffee. So after they excretes it out, the farmers will then clean it, roast and grind it before brewing the coffee.

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Every time Paul and I travel, we love to inject a bit of history and cultural learning about the place that we're visiting. So, when I proposed the idea of visiting Lumbung Sari Coffee Farm on our first day, he immediately gave his go-signal. So, right after lunch, our driver Swantika took us to Lumbung Sari which wasn't very far from Ibu Oka

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I was really expecting a huge farm land and perhaps a coffee shop hut where we can order coffee and perhaps have a slice of cake. Well, as soon as Swantika stopped the car at the parking lot, a guy emerged from no where and introduced himself to be our tour guide. Unfortunately, I forgot his name. Oops!

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He took us on a short tour around the farm which I have to say was very informative and quite impressive. We checked out the vegetables and flowers that they were cultivating there. As well as a peek at the sleeping civet cats in its cage. Did you know the civet cats are apparently nocturnal so they're sound asleep during the day and are most active at night. Interesting. I really didn't know that! Here at Lumbung Sari, they get to roam freely around the farm during night time. 

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So we also saw the raw coffee beans and poop combined. Am I really ready to drink this? 

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And here's how it looks like once cleaned. Hmm.. perhaps it's all in the mind? Let's see if I'm brave enough to go for it. 

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This lady over here is busy roasting the coffee beans. We were there for about 2 hours and she was doing this non-stop. 

Now, our tour guide led us towards an open nipa hut where chickens and birds can also roam freely. I swear, it wasn't the most comfortable moment for me as I am so scared of feathered animals. I wondered if this was where we're supposed to order some coffee. Our tour guide came back with a tray full of cups. Hold on, but we haven't ordered anything! 

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Apparently, coffee tasting is free. Yes, you read that right. It's FREE! They have a small farm store right beside the hut so we're guessing that this is somewhat like a sampling activity where they let guests try every single coffee and tea on sale for them to decide which one/s to get. What I love about the guys at Lumbung Sari is they're not pushy at all. I can really feel how passionate they are about coffee and tea growing that they just enjoy sharing their knowledge with visiting guests. This is not the type of place where you will feel obliged to spend or buy anything. For this, I'm giving them two thumbs up! 

Paul and I enjoyed sampling the different types of tea and coffee while reading the short description on the menu sheet. It's quite interesting to know the health benefits that you can get when you drink these. I particularly liked the Mangosteen Tea as well as Rosella Tea as the others were a tad too sweet for my taste.  

As for the coffee, we both loved the Vanilla Coffee and ended up buying back a bag to enjoy at home. It's so easy to prepare as they made it in instant form so all you really need is to add some hot water and *tadah!* you get to enjoy your cup of coffee! 

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The special Kopi Luwak is not part of the sampling line-up but since we were both so intrigued at how unique and delicious this premium coffee is, we ordered one cup to try. What can I say?! I guess it's not something that I would drink regularly. It has a very oily feel and it's very bitter to be fully enjoyed. Guess, our taste buds are not ready for exotic-tasting coffee.

After trying all the samples served to us, we headed to the store to buy a couple of packs of coffee and tea to bring home for our family to try as well. It was a fun and educational tour to Lumbung Sari and I'm so happy that Swantika brought us here.

Check out Lumbung Sari at Jl. Raya Mawang, Br. Mawang Kaja, Ubud, Indonesia

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