Twenty Eighteen : My New Year's Post

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I know it's kinda late to talk about the New Year as in fact we're just a week away from February. I guess this is what first time parenthood is all about. Your days will just roll by so quickly as you busily deal with endless changes of dirty diapers, frequent cries for milk and basically trying to keep your baby (or in our case, our babies) healthy, happy and simply alive every single day.

However, as I watch my twins sleep soundly right now I can't help but feel an immense amount of gratitude and happiness. Just a year ago, I made a wish that hopefully on 2017, we will finally have the answer to our prayers. I prayed that we will be blessed with a baby...regardless if it's a boy or a girl, I promise to be the best Mom that I could possibly be and I'll bring him or her closer to God too.

ang family 1
Just three months after, our prayers were answered and shortly after that, we found out that we were expecting not only one but two beautiful babies. More blessings and surprises came after that when my OB-GYN Dr. Pilar Lagman Dy, confirmed that we're having a boy and a girl. In Chinese, they're called Double Phoenix Twins which is considered to be very very lucky. I have given up my career temporarily to fully concentrate on my pregnancy and to take good care of my twins. That's after 12 years of non-stop working. I sure miss the daily grind but I'll never exchange that for unlimited dose of toothless smiles, baby bear hugs and playful kicks that I would get on a daily basis.

I'm finally a Mom and this is definitely one title that I proudly hold. It's not easy, I got to admit. There are days when I feel like crying when I find myself still in my PJs at 5 in the afternoon or when I could barely find the time to have a relaxing meal. I'm so used to routines, schedules and timelines and I have to throw all that out from the day they were born.

My twins are turning 3 months old in a few days and I'm starting to feel more alive again. I'm slowly gaining back my independence although I don't think I'll ever have my old spontaneous life back but hey, baby steps right? We've came a long long way from me delivering them in the operating room to seeing them grow in the NICU for two weeks to finally taking them home to cheering whenever we cross every single milestone. Today, they're two very responsive babbling little babies who are winning everyone's hearts.

This 2018, all I wish for is to be able to enjoy watching my twins grow more. This year will be filled with a lot of firsts and I want to be there when those happen. I might not be able to blog as often as I used to and I thank you all for bearing with me. Meanwhile, do follow me on Facebook and Instagram for more regular updates as I share with you my latest food finds, new home-cooked meals and random snapshots of my twins.

Happy New Year to all!

P.s. The beautiful fruit bouquet above is from Fruits in Bloom!

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