Franny Mommy : Real Talk, Real Moms by #BabyDovePH
"Twin A out at 6:36AM"
"Twin B out at 6:37AM"
Despite how groggy I was so early in the morning of 25 October 2017, these two statements were heard loud and clear by everyone in the operating room and these marked the start of a new chapter of my life. I'm finally and officially a Mommy. For months leading up to my delivery, I would try to imagine how that moment would actually be. I honestly thought I'd cry. Well, I didn't. In fact I didn't say a word as I was barely conscious but I caught Paul's eye right at the moment we first heard J's cry followed by L's and all I saw was love... pure, unconditional love and happiness.

Our first month as parents was unfortunately not an easy walk in the park. It began with our babies having to be admitted in the NICU for two weeks as they were born underweight. I was on my one-month ge lai where I wasn't supposed to go out and I have to keep myself warm but I seriously pushed all these practices, customs and superstitions aside while ignoring disapproving comments from relatives. Okay, so I still took all the soup, drinks and food but I was out of the house every single day from the time I got discharged up until we finally brought our babies home. Each day was filled with trying to produce as much milk as I can for them, being blessed to receive donated milk from friends, heading to the NICU to do skin-to-skin with them, spending as much time possible with our babies, singing to them, talking to them, bonding as a family. It wasn't easy but I had Paul by my side 24/7 and as it turns out, we make such a great team.
As soon as we brought them home, our hired yaya went AWOL on us so for one whole month, Paul and I took care of our babies. Taking care of newborn is not easy. It's all about trying to keep their diapers dry all the time, keeping them warm, filling their stomach with milk, getting them to sleep soundly, understanding their cries and at the same time, keeping yourself nourished, trying to catch up on sleep and most of all, staying sane. I never thought I could be so busy to even bother to change out of my PJs each day or to even have the time to brush my teeth. I don't think I had a decent, full meal at the right time during the first two months of my twins as they somehow would cry for milk when I was just about to head to the dining table.
I'm not going to lie, there were moments when I'd cry out of exhaustion while nursing my baby at the middle of the night. I've caught myself saying that I needed a break even just to run to the nearby Starbucks for a breather but once I've finally managed to get out of the house, I'd be checking my phone every five minutes and I ended up rushing home to my babies within an hour or even less. Those were the tough times but the trade off made it all worth it.

I'll forever cherish waking up beside my twins and seeing their big sweet smiles when they hear my voice. I love playing with them as hearing them chuckle to show how much they're enjoying their playtime with me and their Daddy. We have been sleeping on one bed and while I miss my big bed space, I also love it when L, most especially, would snuggle so close to me or when J would tug on my shirt when it's feeding time. Then there's bath time which they're starting to enjoy more and more. I love the look they give me and Paul when we bathe them up until we put on clean, new clothes on them. Lately, our days have been filled with random babbles, surprise chuckles and an unlimited dose of toothless smiles. Nakakawala ng pagod, as my aunt would say.
My twins are turning 4 months in a week's time and I honestly do not know if I'm doing good as their Mommy. Sometimes I feel guilty that I don't get to give them enough tummy time or I worry if they are developing at the right time. However, if I look at their pictures just four months ago and I compare it to how big they are right now, I guess somehow Paul and I are doing something right.

As #BabyDovePH would say..."there are no perfect moms, just real ones." This is so timely not only for first time moms like myself but for all moms all over the world. Let's admit it, mommy guilt is real and it can really make you nuts. As we wash our babies hair today or scrub their teeny tiny fingers and toes, let's all be reminded that motherhood is a learning process. Together, you grow and learn with your babies. It's okay to make mistakes and believe me, babies are the most forgiving provided you do what's best for them all the time.
Speaking of Baby Dove, I'm so happy that it's finally here in the country. I'm a loyal Dove user myself and I can't wait to try these on my twins. Thanks Baby Dove for sending this package over and for the timely reminder too. ♥
"Twin B out at 6:37AM"
Despite how groggy I was so early in the morning of 25 October 2017, these two statements were heard loud and clear by everyone in the operating room and these marked the start of a new chapter of my life. I'm finally and officially a Mommy. For months leading up to my delivery, I would try to imagine how that moment would actually be. I honestly thought I'd cry. Well, I didn't. In fact I didn't say a word as I was barely conscious but I caught Paul's eye right at the moment we first heard J's cry followed by L's and all I saw was love... pure, unconditional love and happiness.

As soon as we brought them home, our hired yaya went AWOL on us so for one whole month, Paul and I took care of our babies. Taking care of newborn is not easy. It's all about trying to keep their diapers dry all the time, keeping them warm, filling their stomach with milk, getting them to sleep soundly, understanding their cries and at the same time, keeping yourself nourished, trying to catch up on sleep and most of all, staying sane. I never thought I could be so busy to even bother to change out of my PJs each day or to even have the time to brush my teeth. I don't think I had a decent, full meal at the right time during the first two months of my twins as they somehow would cry for milk when I was just about to head to the dining table.
I'm not going to lie, there were moments when I'd cry out of exhaustion while nursing my baby at the middle of the night. I've caught myself saying that I needed a break even just to run to the nearby Starbucks for a breather but once I've finally managed to get out of the house, I'd be checking my phone every five minutes and I ended up rushing home to my babies within an hour or even less. Those were the tough times but the trade off made it all worth it.

My twins are turning 4 months in a week's time and I honestly do not know if I'm doing good as their Mommy. Sometimes I feel guilty that I don't get to give them enough tummy time or I worry if they are developing at the right time. However, if I look at their pictures just four months ago and I compare it to how big they are right now, I guess somehow Paul and I are doing something right.

Speaking of Baby Dove, I'm so happy that it's finally here in the country. I'm a loyal Dove user myself and I can't wait to try these on my twins. Thanks Baby Dove for sending this package over and for the timely reminder too. ♥