#FrannyCooks : Chocolate Chip Cookie Brownie with Anchor Philippines

"Hi, I'm Fran and I'm a Chocoholic."

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All my life, I've never (and I say this with conviction) been fond of chocolates. In fact, chocolate flavored cakes will never be one that I'd go for at any given day. I can barely consume an entire bar of chocolates and it's not one that I'd go out of my way to buy when doing my grocery shopping. Here at home, it has always been Papa and Pan who are the chocoholics in the family. All that has suddenly changed after I gave birth to my twins. The more I nurse them, the more I start to crave for chocolates. It's crazy! From chocolate milk to chocolate bars and truffles to chocolate cakes and ice cream. I would purposely order Iced Chocolate when I'm out with my family and we now have a steady supply of chocolate milk, bars of chocolate and tubs of chocolate ice cream in the fridge. I would like to think that it's my hormones playing trick on me and suddenly, I turned into this chocoholic mommy and believe me this addiction seems to be hard to cure.

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Thanks to Anchor Philippines for sending over this lovely crate of our favorite Anchor products, I was inspired to do some baking. I was craving for cookies and brownies so a quick search on google led me to this awesome recipe of Chocolate Chip Cookie Brownies. It's the perfect combination of my favorite snack at the moment. Not only that, it's really chocolatey just the way I love it.

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I tweaked the recipe to make it more creamy by adding a tetra pack of Anchor UHT Full Cream Milk to my brownie batter. The outcome? This ooey gooey chocolatey treat which definitely satisfied my craving for days.

Here's what you need: 

For the cookie dough
- 1 stick of unsalted Anchor Butter, soften
- 1/2 cup white sugar
- 2 tbsp brown sugar
- 1 egg
- 1 cup + 2 tbsp flour
- 1/2 tsp baking soda
- 1/4 salt
- 1 cup chocolate chips

For the brownie mix
- Store-bought brownie mix
- 2 eggs
- 1 stick of unsalted Anchor Butter, soften
- 1 pack of Anchor UHT Full Cream Milk

Do it in 10 simple steps:

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1) Cream the butter and sugar, make sure to whisk it evenly
2) Slowly add in the egg and continue mixing
3) Blend in the flour, baking soda and salt

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4) Add 3/4 cup of chocolate chips (keep the rest later on)
5) Refrigerate the cookie dough for 30 minutes
6) Make the brownie mix following the direction on the package. Normally, the recipe will just require eggs, oil and water. I replaced the water with milk to give it a creamier consistency and the oil with butter.
7) Pour the brownie batter on a square baking pan
8) Top this with the cookie dough by pressing it gently
9) Sprinkle with the remaining chocolate chips
10) Bake for 30-40 minutes at 350 degrees Celsius. Watch this closely at the cookies can burn easily. I recommend baking this uncovered for the 1st 10 minutes, then cover this with an aluminum foil for the next 20 minutes then leave it uncovered for the last 10-20 minutes. Don't cover it too tight as the cookie dough will rise.

Watch out for my next post wherein I'll be using more of the Anchor products in the crate. :) Meanwhile, enjoy!

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