Franny Mommy Favorites : Dr. Mama Milk Storage Bags

If you're someone who's just as OC (obsessive - compulsive) and a neat freak like me, then let me tell you this. Expect this OCness and neat freak-ness to escalate to greater heights once you have a baby. I've honestly lost count of the number of times I've cleaned my hands with soap followed by a splash of isopropyl alcohol in a day or how much I value our UV sterilizer that I would literally sterilize everything within arms reach from my twins. From their toys to their bottles, I would make sure to sterilize them most especially at this stage where they're teething and would put everything in their tiny mouths.

When it comes to their milk, then that's another level of sanitation. My twins were exclusively breastfed for the first few months of their lives but lately, we're starting to introduce formula milk as the pedia wanted to "bulk" them up. Not wanting to fully wean them off my breast milk yet, I would just give them formula 1-2x in a day and the rest would still be breast milk. I don't know but I do find great joy in nursing my twins. Somehow, I take those moments to bond with them one by one...and if they get hungry at the same time, then tandem feeding it is. It's extremely tiring, yes but I know that soon they'll grow up and I'll miss moments like these.

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Storing breast milk is actually very tricky as it's extremely sensitive to change in temperature and can spoil easily. I would still refer to the hospital guide when I'm not sure and Paul and I are very careful about storing them. I never really thought much about it but one of the best gifts that I've ever received were boxes of milk bags. Not only are they space savers, it makes it easy for me to freeze my extra milk for them for the next 6 months.

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I've used a wide variety of milk bags for the past 6 months and I have a couple of favorites. Here's one of them which I'd love to share with you guys -- Dr. Mama Milk Bags. Aren't they adorable? Seriously, anything baby-related are just so cute with all these characters and names! Dr. Mama is a Korean brand of storage bags not only for breast milk but they also have for formula powdered milk and baby food too!

Since my twins are just about to taste their first solid food in a week's time (yehey!), I got several boxes of breast milk and powdered milk bags for now. I'm so in love with the adorable bear and kitty cat designs! The Dr. Mama Breast Milk Storage Bag (Php. 455) comes in 30 pre-sterilized, FDA approved bags. What I love about it is you pour in your milk from the top portion of the bag and seal the ziplock shut. When it's time to use it, simply cut along the dotted lines at the spout of the bag and pour out your thawed milk. That way you're ensured that your milk stays uncontaminated all throughout.

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This is just perfect for OC mommies like me. It can fit approximately 230ml of milk which is good for a little more than one feeding as my twins consume slightly less than that. I also noticed that it can lie flat making it easy to stack in the freezer. The plastic is BPA-free and is made with non-toxic materials. I also love how it can stand on it's own so no messy drips when I leave it on the kitchen counter while preparing the bottles.

Whenever we go out though, we have started to give formula powdered milk to the twins for the sake of convenience. Back then, I would bring a small cooler with me filled with my breast milk and every time they're hungry, we have to run to any restaurant, order something and sweetly ask for a bowl of hot water to warm up the milk. It was truly a test of one's patience and sometimes it can get very stressful especially when you're trying to pacify a crying, hungry baby. At least with our powdered milk, preparation takes 3 minutes tops.

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Similar to the Breast Milk Storage Bag, the Dr Mama Powdered Milk Storage Bag (Php. 450) also comes with 30 pre-sterilized bags. This one can hold up to 7 scoops of milk and can easily fit into our diaper bag without worrying about making a mess since it's sealed shut. I once used the old school plastic milk containers and I'm always so worried that it might just pop open while in transit and would spill powdered milk all over the bag. Thankfully that has never happened yet and it never will thanks now that I'm using these powdered milk bags.

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Just like the breast milk bag, you pour in the powdered milk at the upper portion of the bag and seal it shut. To use, just cut along the dotted lines at the bottom part and pour out the milk.

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I love how there are white boxes for you to write on. Paul and I would also indicate the amount of milk inside as the twins take in different quantities. See, told you we're extremely OC! Guess, being organized is one trait every twin parent should have. It's the only way to get things done efficiently and we get to keep the twins happy all the time too. Happy babies, happy Mommy and Daddy!

So here's a piece of advice to everyone, should you be attending a baby shower soon, do away with all the onesies and get the momma-to-be these cute boxes of storage bags. I'm pretty sure she'll love you for it. This was indeed one revelation that I had, among all that we've received (of course they were really awesome), I found the milk bags to be the most useful of all.

Want to score some of these, follow me on Facebook and Instagram as I'll be running my first ever giveaway for 2018 soon!

Order your storage boxes from Dr. Mama PH on Instagram or at Baby Mama PH today. 

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