Franny Mommy : 10 Things I've Learned As I Entered Motherhood
"To be a Mom."
To most women my age, they probably have big ambitions and dreams such as to run their own company, be the CEO in a multi-national corporation, to fly to the moon, to perform at the Carnegie Hall, go to an ivy league school and so on.
Growing up, I had my share of dreams too such as to work for the biggest magazine publication company in the country (✓), to travel the world (working on that), to meet the man of my dreams (✓✓✓) and be a full-time, hands-on mom. For many years, I've enjoyed a smooth and gradual climb in my career and I'm lucky to have Paul and my family by my side too. However, as the years go by, I can't help but notice that there's one dream left unfulfilled. Clearly, some things were indeed beyond my control and after 7 long (yet happy) years, I am able to put a bold ✓ mark beside the last item in my dream list. This was when my beautiful twins, J and L were born.

Motherhood is indeed another ball game. It's the best promotion that I have received but the wackiest and most challenging too. There were no training workshops nor not a single book can ever prepare you of what's up ahead so it's really up to your intuition, best decision making skills and a lot of prayers and faith to get it all together. I got to admit that often times, I have no idea if I'm doing it right but seeing my babies develop day by day, I guess we're pretty much on the right path.
Being a mom for 6 months now, here are 10 things that no one has everwarned told me about motherhood:
1) No matter how much you have slept throughout your 9 months of pregnancy, nothing beats the sleepless nights that you'll experience at least for the first 2 months of your baby's life.
- I will never forget those nights when the twins were extra fussy and Paul and I barely slept at all. I don't know why mommy friends told me to sleep all I can when I was pregnant and yet I was still a walking zombie during those first few months. Often times, I'd fall asleep halfway through blogging. So, if you see some weird off sentence here and pretty know what happened then. ;)
2) Prepare for falling hair...lots and lots of it. Eventually, accept that your hair will get thinner but it will grow back again and say hello to tiny baby hairs that sticks out so awkwardly all over your scalp.
- Relax, this is due to your hormones and if you breastfeed, expect major shedding to happen. Arm yourselves with a good quality vacuum cleaner and have the plumber's number on speed dial if needed. Kidding aside, this will stop as you baby turns 5-6 month old so don't worry about it.
3) You may not remember the lyrics now but be prepared to re-visit your nursery rhymes and lullabies knowledge bank right from the day your baby is born.
- I must have repeatedly murdered the song "Rock a bye baby" just to pacify my crying baby at night.
4) Your baby will spit up, vomit, poop, drool and pee.
- I will forever remember the day J first pooped while doing tummy time with me and L did an amazing projectile spit up straight to my chest. If you've experienced that and still manage to smile/laugh about it, then congratulations, you are officially a fully certified mom.
5) Your baby has the best intuition..ever.
- Many times, one of my twins would suddenly wake from their nap or ask to be latched just when I am about to eat a decent meal or to take a shower.

6) Things will get better. I promise.
- To all new moms out there, take my word for it. Your sleepless state will get better, your baby will soon sleep longer, you'll soon master his/her eating/sleeping pattern, your days will get brighter. Hang in there.
7) The nights are long, but the years are short.
- This is one of my favorite quote. I still remembered that one fateful night when Paul and I were so tired. We asked ourselves "what did we get ourselves into?" Then we peeked into their crib and saw our twins sleeping so soundly. These two gave so much meaning to our existence. We live for them and we try to treasure each moment spent with them. Today, they're no longer the fragile, teeny tiny newborns that they used to be. Each has his/her own personality and they're getting so talkative, so alert, so mobile. I hope time will slow down and we can enjoy them being babies for longer period of time.
8) You'll soon unleash the superhero inside you...that is if you haven't yet.
- Motherhood will make you a very strong person inside and out. For 9 months, you've carried your baby to term and believe me, you'll do anything and everything for them. Our first month was pretty rocky with the twins staying in the NICU and L having to undergo a minor surgery. Yes, I've cried several times but as I rock my babies in my arms, I know that I have to be a strong mommy just for them.
9) Teamwork makes the dream work.
- It's true when they say that it takes a village to raise a child. I don't think Paul and I would have survived taking care of our twins had it not been for the help that our families have extended to us. I'll never forget that day when their first nanny went AWOL on us and as I opened my groggy eyes, I saw my MIL and SIL J in our room telling me to go back to sleep as they took over and watched over the twins for the entire morning. My parents, my sister Pan and brother in law E have also played baby-sitters to my twins several times just to allow Paul and I to go out for a short breather. These things we will never forget and we're so thankful to have the most supportive families in the world.

10) Motherhood is hard work but the rewards are truly priceless.
- These are the things we can never quantify. The sudden burst of sweet laughter, the surprise kisses and long hugs, the way they stare at you at any given time of the day like you're the most amazing person in their lives, how L would cry for "Mama" which means I have to latch her to sleep and the list goes on and on. I never thought my heart was big enough for the amount of love that I have not only for my twins but for Paul and our family. Whenever I doubt myself if I'm doing a good job, seeing their toothless grins is assurance enough that I'm doing alright.
This Mother's Day, please give yourself (and your mom) a good pat on the back. We are all doing a great job and for once, let's not be too hard on ourselves. Remember Baby Dove tells us, "there are no perfect moms, just real ones." Cheers, Mommies and Happy Mother's Day! ♥
*these beautiful photos were taken by Little Heartbeat Photography in partnership with Baby Dove Philippines.
To most women my age, they probably have big ambitions and dreams such as to run their own company, be the CEO in a multi-national corporation, to fly to the moon, to perform at the Carnegie Hall, go to an ivy league school and so on.
Growing up, I had my share of dreams too such as to work for the biggest magazine publication company in the country (✓), to travel the world (working on that), to meet the man of my dreams (✓✓✓) and be a full-time, hands-on mom. For many years, I've enjoyed a smooth and gradual climb in my career and I'm lucky to have Paul and my family by my side too. However, as the years go by, I can't help but notice that there's one dream left unfulfilled. Clearly, some things were indeed beyond my control and after 7 long (yet happy) years, I am able to put a bold ✓ mark beside the last item in my dream list. This was when my beautiful twins, J and L were born.

Being a mom for 6 months now, here are 10 things that no one has ever
1) No matter how much you have slept throughout your 9 months of pregnancy, nothing beats the sleepless nights that you'll experience at least for the first 2 months of your baby's life.
- I will never forget those nights when the twins were extra fussy and Paul and I barely slept at all. I don't know why mommy friends told me to sleep all I can when I was pregnant and yet I was still a walking zombie during those first few months. Often times, I'd fall asleep halfway through blogging. So, if you see some weird off sentence here and pretty know what happened then. ;)
2) Prepare for falling hair...lots and lots of it. Eventually, accept that your hair will get thinner but it will grow back again and say hello to tiny baby hairs that sticks out so awkwardly all over your scalp.
- Relax, this is due to your hormones and if you breastfeed, expect major shedding to happen. Arm yourselves with a good quality vacuum cleaner and have the plumber's number on speed dial if needed. Kidding aside, this will stop as you baby turns 5-6 month old so don't worry about it.
3) You may not remember the lyrics now but be prepared to re-visit your nursery rhymes and lullabies knowledge bank right from the day your baby is born.
- I must have repeatedly murdered the song "Rock a bye baby" just to pacify my crying baby at night.
4) Your baby will spit up, vomit, poop, drool and pee.
- I will forever remember the day J first pooped while doing tummy time with me and L did an amazing projectile spit up straight to my chest. If you've experienced that and still manage to smile/laugh about it, then congratulations, you are officially a fully certified mom.
5) Your baby has the best intuition..ever.
- Many times, one of my twins would suddenly wake from their nap or ask to be latched just when I am about to eat a decent meal or to take a shower.

- To all new moms out there, take my word for it. Your sleepless state will get better, your baby will soon sleep longer, you'll soon master his/her eating/sleeping pattern, your days will get brighter. Hang in there.
7) The nights are long, but the years are short.
- This is one of my favorite quote. I still remembered that one fateful night when Paul and I were so tired. We asked ourselves "what did we get ourselves into?" Then we peeked into their crib and saw our twins sleeping so soundly. These two gave so much meaning to our existence. We live for them and we try to treasure each moment spent with them. Today, they're no longer the fragile, teeny tiny newborns that they used to be. Each has his/her own personality and they're getting so talkative, so alert, so mobile. I hope time will slow down and we can enjoy them being babies for longer period of time.
8) You'll soon unleash the superhero inside you...that is if you haven't yet.
- Motherhood will make you a very strong person inside and out. For 9 months, you've carried your baby to term and believe me, you'll do anything and everything for them. Our first month was pretty rocky with the twins staying in the NICU and L having to undergo a minor surgery. Yes, I've cried several times but as I rock my babies in my arms, I know that I have to be a strong mommy just for them.
9) Teamwork makes the dream work.
- It's true when they say that it takes a village to raise a child. I don't think Paul and I would have survived taking care of our twins had it not been for the help that our families have extended to us. I'll never forget that day when their first nanny went AWOL on us and as I opened my groggy eyes, I saw my MIL and SIL J in our room telling me to go back to sleep as they took over and watched over the twins for the entire morning. My parents, my sister Pan and brother in law E have also played baby-sitters to my twins several times just to allow Paul and I to go out for a short breather. These things we will never forget and we're so thankful to have the most supportive families in the world.

- These are the things we can never quantify. The sudden burst of sweet laughter, the surprise kisses and long hugs, the way they stare at you at any given time of the day like you're the most amazing person in their lives, how L would cry for "Mama" which means I have to latch her to sleep and the list goes on and on. I never thought my heart was big enough for the amount of love that I have not only for my twins but for Paul and our family. Whenever I doubt myself if I'm doing a good job, seeing their toothless grins is assurance enough that I'm doing alright.
This Mother's Day, please give yourself (and your mom) a good pat on the back. We are all doing a great job and for once, let's not be too hard on ourselves. Remember Baby Dove tells us, "there are no perfect moms, just real ones." Cheers, Mommies and Happy Mother's Day! ♥
*these beautiful photos were taken by Little Heartbeat Photography in partnership with Baby Dove Philippines.