Franny Mommy Favorites : Como Tomo is now in the Philippines #BestBottleEver
"Fed is Best"
This is one thing that I constantly remind myself ever since the twins were born. Let's admit it, from the moment you deliver your baby, the hospital will constant encourage you to breastfeed. Okay, so breastfeeding sure has a lot of benefits both to the mother and to the baby. I personally felt so glad that I was able to express my colostrum as soon as my twins were born. Somehow, it gave me this sense of validation that I am doing a good job as their Mommy.

Fast forward to today, my twins have been latching on to me and I've been pumping for 7 whole months. I never thought I'd come this far. Breastfeeding sure has its benefits and it has its downside too. One is my mobility as a mom. My twins are so used to having me around that L, for instance, would scream her head off at night if she doesn't sleep latched on to me. That said, I haven't had a decent night out since they were born. One time, Paul and I went out to attend a friend's dinner party and we had to rush home as my Mom called saying that L wouldn't stop crying. True enough ,we came home to our little girl with swollen teary eyes screaming "mamam...mamam". The look on her face broke my heart and as soon as she latched on, she quickly fell asleep and stayed asleep all throughout the night. I knew then that I have to sacrifice my nights for her.
At this stage, we have introduced the bottle to them. Mix feeding them especially when we're out or when I just have to run some errands and I want to be ensured that they're well fed while I'm away. Sadly, L, a little smart cookie, would choose to starve herself and wait for me to come home instead of taking the bottle. J, the more independent baby would take the bottle but there are times when he'd take in too much and end up choking. I got to say that I can't even imagine starting to wean them off breastfeeding as I know that stage will surely have a lot of screaming, objection and tears.

Then, I learned about Como Tomo. One of the newest baby bottle brands to enter the Philippine market. The creators do believe that breastfeeding is definitely good for babies but at the same time, bottles should be there to aid a Mom to breath a little more. Can you just imagine what else you can do if you have the time to just let your baby drink from the bottle? I'd say... take a shower? Brush your teeth? Eat a quick meal? The choices are endless!
The material of this bottle composed of soft silicon material that mimics a Mother's breast. It's very bouncy too that we accidentally dropped it as we were opening the box and it just bounced off the table. I studied the bottle closely and I noticed that the nipple is wider than usual thus making the baby feel like it's latching from Mommy. It also has a dual air vent to avoid the chances of baby taking in air and not milk. I really appreciate all these features as it's obvious that the creators took into consideration most of the main concerns of moms when using the bottle.

I also love that it comes in baby pink and pastel green as opposed to most pinks and blues in the market. I received 3 green bottles which is just fine as it can be used by both babies.

Durign the launch, we were introduced to all the brand ambassadors of Como Tomo. These moms have personally tried the bottle and loved them! Needless to say, this got me so excited to put it to the test with my twins.
The morning after...
As soon as I got home, I instructed Yaya D to clean the bottles and to sterilize them. By the way, Como Tomo is compatible with both steam and UV sterilizers. It may also be placed in the top rack of dishwashers too. Hooray for it's durability!

As soon as the twins got hungry this morning, I quickly poured my milk into their new bottles and hoped that they'll take it. L was first, I handed her small bottle which was filled with 4 oz of milk. Normally, the most she would take is 2 oz and she'd start crying to be latched. 1 oz went by ... 2 oz... within minutes, we were all so surprised that she emptied the bottle out. WOW. She drank it carefully just the same way she would as if she was latching. She held on to the bottle, squeezing it once in a while too. It might be a first time charm but I repeated it again tonight and she finished her milk once again...all 4 oz of it! I swear I began seeing fireworks and confetti fly!
Next was J, while he's a pro at drinking from the bottle, I always worry whenever the nipple flow would be too fast for him and he'd end up coughing and semi-choking. He got the bigger bottle as he drinks more milk and while we noticed that he drinks much slower than usual, he finished his milk without a single cough or choking episode.
I'm convinced. Como Tomo sure is the #BestBottleEver. I'm not going to lie, it's not the cheapest in the market but as my Amah would say "good things come with a price." For my own freedom, sanity and for less tears and choking, I'd go for more Como Tomo anytime.
Someday, I'll have to wean them off from breastfeeding yet I know latching comforts them a lot. I figured that by giving them Como Tomo, I may someday not be able to give them my milk but they will still get that same comfort drinking for a bottle that mimics Mommy's breast.
Price list:
Como Tomo 150ml bottle : Php. 999.75
Como Tomo 250ml bottle : Php. 1,199.75
Como Tomo teether : Php. 499.75
Check out Como Tomo at Baby Company, Rustans, SM Store, Baby World, Urban Essentials, The Nest and soon Milk and Honey.
This is one thing that I constantly remind myself ever since the twins were born. Let's admit it, from the moment you deliver your baby, the hospital will constant encourage you to breastfeed. Okay, so breastfeeding sure has a lot of benefits both to the mother and to the baby. I personally felt so glad that I was able to express my colostrum as soon as my twins were born. Somehow, it gave me this sense of validation that I am doing a good job as their Mommy.

At this stage, we have introduced the bottle to them. Mix feeding them especially when we're out or when I just have to run some errands and I want to be ensured that they're well fed while I'm away. Sadly, L, a little smart cookie, would choose to starve herself and wait for me to come home instead of taking the bottle. J, the more independent baby would take the bottle but there are times when he'd take in too much and end up choking. I got to say that I can't even imagine starting to wean them off breastfeeding as I know that stage will surely have a lot of screaming, objection and tears.

The material of this bottle composed of soft silicon material that mimics a Mother's breast. It's very bouncy too that we accidentally dropped it as we were opening the box and it just bounced off the table. I studied the bottle closely and I noticed that the nipple is wider than usual thus making the baby feel like it's latching from Mommy. It also has a dual air vent to avoid the chances of baby taking in air and not milk. I really appreciate all these features as it's obvious that the creators took into consideration most of the main concerns of moms when using the bottle.

The morning after...
As soon as I got home, I instructed Yaya D to clean the bottles and to sterilize them. By the way, Como Tomo is compatible with both steam and UV sterilizers. It may also be placed in the top rack of dishwashers too. Hooray for it's durability!

Next was J, while he's a pro at drinking from the bottle, I always worry whenever the nipple flow would be too fast for him and he'd end up coughing and semi-choking. He got the bigger bottle as he drinks more milk and while we noticed that he drinks much slower than usual, he finished his milk without a single cough or choking episode.
I'm convinced. Como Tomo sure is the #BestBottleEver. I'm not going to lie, it's not the cheapest in the market but as my Amah would say "good things come with a price." For my own freedom, sanity and for less tears and choking, I'd go for more Como Tomo anytime.
Someday, I'll have to wean them off from breastfeeding yet I know latching comforts them a lot. I figured that by giving them Como Tomo, I may someday not be able to give them my milk but they will still get that same comfort drinking for a bottle that mimics Mommy's breast.
Price list:
Como Tomo 150ml bottle : Php. 999.75
Como Tomo 250ml bottle : Php. 1,199.75
Como Tomo teether : Php. 499.75
Check out Como Tomo at Baby Company, Rustans, SM Store, Baby World, Urban Essentials, The Nest and soon Milk and Honey.