Franny Mommy : Sweet Delights by Charlotte
My twins turns 9 months today. WOW.
I've been a proud Mommy for 9 full months already! If you put things into perspective, 9 months is how long it takes for a baby to form inside a Mother's womb. It still feels like yesterday when I was wheeled into the delivery room and I heard the cries of J and L for the first time. I can still remember how small and fragile they were. How we would carry them so carefully to support their necks. Today, both are talking, crawling, rolling over, attempting to climb, eating solids kind of toddlers already. They're no longer considered newborns but they still do smell like one so I'm totally fine with that. Aside from this, this also means that I've been breastfeeding them for 9 full months already. It was no easy feat so please allow me to beam a little and give myself a small pat at the back for going this far.

I'm not going to lie though, I came this far because I got help. Help from close friends who offered to share their breastmilk with me to give me time to build my supply. Help from all the supplements such as Mega Malunggay and Fenugreek which I've been diligently taking since I was still pregnant with my twins (well, at least for the malunggay one). Help from Paul who has been my cheerleader and milk inventory manager. Help from Yaya D who would carefully hand each twin to me as I tanden feed....and the best thing of all, help from all the lactation treats that I've allowed myself to indulge on for the past 9 months.
Here's one of my favorites -- Sweet Delights by Charlotte.

I first came across Sweet Delights by Charlotte when I saw that Charlotte herself was running an Instagram contest. I just took my chances by following the mechanics which was easy, by the way, and well, lady luck was on my side as I eventually won! Yahoo! The prize was a nice organic cotton onesie which I wanted to have so badly for my twins (but well, I got one so they gotta share for now) and a pack of Charlotte's Dark Chocolate Chunk Cookies (Php 400/15pcs). I wasn't sure which one I was more excited about, the onesie or the cookies. Needless to say, it was such a happy win for me.

For the prize, I got a pack of the mini version which was really good. What I love about is it how chocolate-y good her cookies were. If you remember a few months back, I was so addicted to anything with chocolate that I would stuff my face with cookies, brownies or even chocolate milk almost after every feed. Thankfully, breastfeeding allowed me to maintain my weight else I would have probably gained so so so much with the amount of chocolates that I've consumed for the past months. Another thing that I love about the cookies is how it melts in your mouth. I just love chewy and really buttery cookies. Her mini version had about 15 to 20 pieces inside and I know it's supposed to be consumed for days but I managed to finish it in two sittings. Well done, Franny!

Fast forward to my birthday. Perhaps one of the best gifts that I have received were two boxes of treats from Charlotte. I once again had the Dark Chocolate Chunk Cookies in bigger, palm size versions. This is it comes with 15 pieces per box and I was more careful in consuming this now. Technically, one entire box should last your 5 days so if you divide it up, then you are only allowed to have 3 pieces of cookies per day. Not bad right but I know the struggle to resist is there.
Aside from her winning cookies, I was also able to try the Lactation Carrot Cupcake with Cream Cheese Frosting (Php. 820/18pcs or Php. 550/12pcs). I love cupcakes especially the kind that doesn't have over-the-top cream frosting as more often than not, I would just scrape all of it out before taking a bite. Charlotte's carrot cupcakes are super moist and I love the cream cheese surprise at the bottom. It's so good that I had it for breakfast for almost a week (one per day) and it goes so well with my lactation tea too. Yes, my side of the pantry is filled with all things lactation. Definitely doing all that I can to maintain my milk supply.
I can't wait for order more of Charlotte's yummy creation. Recently, she also experimented on lactation crinkles! OMG! I love love love crinkles! I can't wait to sink my teeth into one of those.
To order, contact Sweet Delights by Charlotte via SMS at +63-9175774845 or through her Facebook or Instagram pages.
I've been a proud Mommy for 9 full months already! If you put things into perspective, 9 months is how long it takes for a baby to form inside a Mother's womb. It still feels like yesterday when I was wheeled into the delivery room and I heard the cries of J and L for the first time. I can still remember how small and fragile they were. How we would carry them so carefully to support their necks. Today, both are talking, crawling, rolling over, attempting to climb, eating solids kind of toddlers already. They're no longer considered newborns but they still do smell like one so I'm totally fine with that. Aside from this, this also means that I've been breastfeeding them for 9 full months already. It was no easy feat so please allow me to beam a little and give myself a small pat at the back for going this far.

Here's one of my favorites -- Sweet Delights by Charlotte.

Aside from her winning cookies, I was also able to try the Lactation Carrot Cupcake with Cream Cheese Frosting (Php. 820/18pcs or Php. 550/12pcs). I love cupcakes especially the kind that doesn't have over-the-top cream frosting as more often than not, I would just scrape all of it out before taking a bite. Charlotte's carrot cupcakes are super moist and I love the cream cheese surprise at the bottom. It's so good that I had it for breakfast for almost a week (one per day) and it goes so well with my lactation tea too. Yes, my side of the pantry is filled with all things lactation. Definitely doing all that I can to maintain my milk supply.
I can't wait for order more of Charlotte's yummy creation. Recently, she also experimented on lactation crinkles! OMG! I love love love crinkles! I can't wait to sink my teeth into one of those.
To order, contact Sweet Delights by Charlotte via SMS at +63-9175774845 or through her Facebook or Instagram pages.