Franny Mommy Finds : SM Baby Company's #CrazyBabySale
Truth to be told, I have never been one who loves to shop. In fact, my sister would often tease me that I "shop like a man" because I would just go in a store, get the items that I need and be out of there in less than 30 minutes. I guess, it's also because I have the tendency to decide fast so I pretty much know what I need and that's the only thing that I'd make sure to get.
However, since I became a Mom, I would catch myself buying random things from clothes to accessories to bibs to utensils and more. I know I also have to stick to what we need but whenever I'd spot an opportunity to buy the things that my twins love, I am always ready and willing to do so. Be it their favorite rice cracker snack or another bottle or nipple for them to use, my weakness has been matchy matchy clothes for my twins which, believe me, is so hard to find!

The same goes for sales and discounts. Paul and I are always on a look out for sale promotions as it's really not a joke buying double the number of diapers or wet wipes as compared to other parent. So, when we found out that Baby Company was having a sale over the weekend. We braved the Friday traffic and made our way to the SMX Convention Center at MOA. Luckily, we got there around lunch time so the crowd wasn't too bad. In fact, we got in without having to queue up. The first thing that I did was to pull out my Mom Card. This will allow me to earn points and if I reach Php. 3000, I get a cute emoji power bank too!
Here are some of the booths that we made sure to visit during the sale. These are definitely not new to this blog as we have been using these mostly since the twins were born and we loved them!

The first stop was Tiny Buds for our dishwashing liquid. I love the Twiga Thank You Wall which reminds me so much of L who loves loves loves Twiga!

Beside it is Nosh! where we availed of their Buy 2 Get 1 Free promotion. The twins love Nosh Rice Crackers and even my niece A adores it too. We really always have to hoard as the kids in the house are crazy about this.

Across this booth is a row of diapers all on sale! We're talking Moony, Mamy Poko and Huggies. All very good brands giving you the best deal possible. We all know how often our babies have to change their diapers most especially for newborns. Getting it on sale is the best way to get good quality diapers at reasonable prices.

We also visited the Como Tomo booth to buy more bottles as L really loves Como Tomo a lot! Unfortunately, they weren't selling the nipples during the sale weekend.

Beside Como Tomo is Marcus and Marcus where we finally found silicon mats for the twins. They love putting their food on the table much to my OC-like disapproval but kids will always be kids and as the saying goes.. "if you can't beat them, join them!" Haha!

Paul also makes it a point to check out the Enfant booth where we buy lots and lots of wet wipes. I've tried a lot of wipes in the market and what I like about Enfant is the thickness of the wipes is just right and the size is big enough to cover baby's entire bum area. Look at his happy smile as he was told that we can purchase one whole box of wipes for a lower price. Definitely the look for victory.

We also got more of our Surface Cleaner refills from Nature 2 Nurture as we use this to wipe the twins' playmat, high chair and more.

There were also Baby Company booths selling clothes, travel gears, bottles and more diapers. We love the manageable size of this year's sale where it covered one entire hall of the SMX but it wasn't too big making it chaotic or tiring to navigate through.

However, as with any sale, the challenge lies in queueing up for the cashier. The queue was long. In fact it snaked all the way till the end of the first column. However, the system was soooo organized that we didn't had to wait so long to check out. We were so impressed at how well it was planned. This just got to be one of the least tiring and most organized sale events that we've been to.

Lastly, as we made our way out, we dropped by the Freebie Redemption Booth and availed of our free emoji powerbank as we managed to meet the minimum spent. Yay! Guess which one we got.

Following Twiga's teachings, saying THANK YOU to Baby Company for staging such a good #CrazyBabySale.
However, since I became a Mom, I would catch myself buying random things from clothes to accessories to bibs to utensils and more. I know I also have to stick to what we need but whenever I'd spot an opportunity to buy the things that my twins love, I am always ready and willing to do so. Be it their favorite rice cracker snack or another bottle or nipple for them to use, my weakness has been matchy matchy clothes for my twins which, believe me, is so hard to find!

Here are some of the booths that we made sure to visit during the sale. These are definitely not new to this blog as we have been using these mostly since the twins were born and we loved them!