Franny Mommy Favorites : Orange and Peach Philippines
When I got married 8 years ago, I was one of the lucky few who didn't had to worry much about running my own household. It's because I was first asked to move in with my in laws for the first 5 months of our married life and there it was easy breezy for me. I literally would wake up in the morning with a wide breakfast spread lovingly made by Manang on the table, I'd go to work while being driven by Kuya M and after a long busy day at work, I'd go back to my in laws' house with dinner waiting for me. The only thing that Paul and I had to worry then were our basic toiletries. After 5 months, we gave in to my mom's request and moved in to my family. It was even much more easier for me as I didn't had to adjust at all. It was simply going back to the house where I grew up in before I became Mrs. Ang. Likewise, Mommy and Papa had everything ready where we had our reliable helpers to do our laundry, cook our meals and so on.
Theharsh realities of being married and having to be independent set in when we moved abroad. I'd say, Paul is truly an amazing husband as he helped me with the household chores but I guess it was then that I was forced to make big decisions on my own. Decisions like what type of rice to buy, how often should we stock up on our frozen meats and seafood, what are the necessary cleaning products. We weren't prepared for those and we pretty much learned as we went along. I realized that when it comes to shopping for household items, I would go for the brands that I am familiar with. These are pretty much the ones that Mommy would buy so it was a no-brainer for me that those are the good ones or at least the one that were tried and tested already. Later on, I'd learn to try other brands and would discover one or two that I like over the one that Mom would normally buy here in Manila.

Things changed when I became a Mom. Somehow, I started to become more picky and careful when choosing the things that will be used by my twins. Clothes, perhaps I am still more lenient but when it comes to their personal care then I would really take the time out to do my research, ask fellow moms or follow my gut feel. Luckily, the choices are limitless and there are a lot of information out there to guide new moms like me.
A few months ago, I received a packaged from a local brand called Orange and Peach. They started out with breastmilk bags (and are quite known locally as well for it) and later expanded their portfolio to giant cotton balls, milk saver pumps and nasal cleaner. The reason why it took me this long to talk about them is because I really tried and used all the products sent to me and being quite meticulous over items for my baby, only a handful of brands really made the cut thus you're seeing it here on my blog.
I would say, it was love at first try with Orange and Peach. The first product that I use were their Giant Cotton Balls. The truth is, I got twins and just like all moms out there, I only have 24 hours in a day. That said, efficiency is very important to me. Back when my twins were smaller, they would poop and peep round the clock at an average of perhaps 6-7 times a day. If you break it down in a day, that's means I'd spent half of my entire day just changing diapers for the two of them. Pee is fine but I get a bit stressed out when it comes to poop. I really have to clean them thoroughly but I have to do it quick. Often times, I'd end up with a really fussy, crying baby if I take my sweet time in wiping their bottoms just to ensure that I've covered everything. When I tried Orange and Peach's Giant Cotton Balls, I was so happy! I covered a bit "surface area" with just one swipe. Not only is it more cost efficient as I didn't had to use up a lot per change, it gets the job done faster too.

The next product that I tested was the Milk Saver Pump. Breastfeeding for two can really drive you nuts and every drop of milk is really precious. So, one day, while I was nursing L and J was fast asleep, I tried the Milk Saver Pump on the other side and I was so surprised at the amount of milk it managed to "catch" in just 15 minutes. I was so shocked as I didn't even had to lift a finger to let the milk flow out. Amazing.
The last item that I tested was the Nasal Aspirator. Truth to be told, I didn't want to have a reason to use this as it simply means one of my baby or worst, both my kids, are sick. Sadly, the inevitable happened and J caught a bad cold one day. We used to have another type of nasal aspirator and let me just tell you how heartbreaking it is every single time whenever we have to aspirate his mucus out. He would be crying so much to the point that his face would get so red, he'd start sweating so much, he'd be kicking and there we were trying to restrain his little body from fighting back. It also doesn't help that my parents would be at the sidelines telling us to stop as they just can't bear the sight of their little grandson enduring such "torture".
We later tried Orange and Peach's Nasal Cleaner and while there were still tears and slight struggle of wanting to break free, J immediately became okay right after the "clean-up". I guess the cleaner was more gentle on his delicate nose and I didn't had to worry about poking it with the sharp nozzle while cleaning as babies are expected to get really fussy. We tried the same thing on L and she was more calm about the whole mucus suction process. Either her cold wore her little body off or she has a higher threshold than her brother.

Luckily, I also stumbled upon Orange and Peach's Battery Operated Nasal Cleaner. One way how I managed to "introduce" this to J was to allow him to somewhat play with it until he realized that it's not some nasty thing that Mommy sticks in his nose. Since he hates being restrained, we needed one that can do the job in record time. I love how you can easily clean the nozzle to avoid contamination. I feel like a pro aspirating his mucus with this cleaner.

Given how much I love Orange and Peach and its line of products, it was truly an honor to be chosen as one of their ambassadors for guess what?! the nasal cleaners! In fact, L was sick during the day of our shoot and I had to really use the Orange and Peach Nasal Cleaner to make her feel better. Can't get any more real than that, right?
Anyway, they did a nice quick interview video for me which I'd like to share with all of you below:

Apart from the products that I've mentioned earlier. They recently launch more products such as the Silicone Bibs which were designed by local artist Sygrd Ferrer, a set of Milestone Cards which were hand-drawn (!!) by top calligrapher Oats Tiu (super duper cute, I tell you) and the Nipple Balm which is made of 100% virgin coconut oil. Sadly, the last two were not very relevant to me anymore as I'm nearing the end of my breastfeeding journey (yes, I know) and my kids are turning one soon so no milestone cards for us anymore.

I happily got some bibs though which I find to be so so so cute! It's very locally apt which I think makes it so unique. The one I got has the lechon as design and there are more like on playtime and local snacks.
I can't help but have this sense of pride when talking about Orange and Peach. It's a 100% local brand that produces world-class quality products at such reasonable price range. It's also available online and in major retail shops like Mothercare and BabyMama.
Frannywanny ♥ Orange and Peach.
Follow Orange and Peach on Facebook and on Instagram. Shop at their official website here.

A few months ago, I received a packaged from a local brand called Orange and Peach. They started out with breastmilk bags (and are quite known locally as well for it) and later expanded their portfolio to giant cotton balls, milk saver pumps and nasal cleaner. The reason why it took me this long to talk about them is because I really tried and used all the products sent to me and being quite meticulous over items for my baby, only a handful of brands really made the cut thus you're seeing it here on my blog.
I would say, it was love at first try with Orange and Peach. The first product that I use were their Giant Cotton Balls. The truth is, I got twins and just like all moms out there, I only have 24 hours in a day. That said, efficiency is very important to me. Back when my twins were smaller, they would poop and peep round the clock at an average of perhaps 6-7 times a day. If you break it down in a day, that's means I'd spent half of my entire day just changing diapers for the two of them. Pee is fine but I get a bit stressed out when it comes to poop. I really have to clean them thoroughly but I have to do it quick. Often times, I'd end up with a really fussy, crying baby if I take my sweet time in wiping their bottoms just to ensure that I've covered everything. When I tried Orange and Peach's Giant Cotton Balls, I was so happy! I covered a bit "surface area" with just one swipe. Not only is it more cost efficient as I didn't had to use up a lot per change, it gets the job done faster too.

The last item that I tested was the Nasal Aspirator. Truth to be told, I didn't want to have a reason to use this as it simply means one of my baby or worst, both my kids, are sick. Sadly, the inevitable happened and J caught a bad cold one day. We used to have another type of nasal aspirator and let me just tell you how heartbreaking it is every single time whenever we have to aspirate his mucus out. He would be crying so much to the point that his face would get so red, he'd start sweating so much, he'd be kicking and there we were trying to restrain his little body from fighting back. It also doesn't help that my parents would be at the sidelines telling us to stop as they just can't bear the sight of their little grandson enduring such "torture".
We later tried Orange and Peach's Nasal Cleaner and while there were still tears and slight struggle of wanting to break free, J immediately became okay right after the "clean-up". I guess the cleaner was more gentle on his delicate nose and I didn't had to worry about poking it with the sharp nozzle while cleaning as babies are expected to get really fussy. We tried the same thing on L and she was more calm about the whole mucus suction process. Either her cold wore her little body off or she has a higher threshold than her brother.

Anyway, they did a nice quick interview video for me which I'd like to share with all of you below:

I can't help but have this sense of pride when talking about Orange and Peach. It's a 100% local brand that produces world-class quality products at such reasonable price range. It's also available online and in major retail shops like Mothercare and BabyMama.
Frannywanny ♥ Orange and Peach.
Follow Orange and Peach on Facebook and on Instagram. Shop at their official website here.