Franny Mommy Favorites : Books by Learning Adventures

It's been a while since I've shared with you one of my twins' favorite things as I've been too coped up with my yaya woes, had to prepare for our back to back staycation and family trip, dealt with each one of us (even the twins) falling sick, then there's work and everything else in between. Finally, I got a teeny bit of breathing time so let's do some mommy chat, shall we?

During the 1st birthday of my twins, they were blessed to have received a lot (and I really meant..a LOT) of presents from their aunties, uncles and relatives. Of course, kids being kids, they were soooo happy to open all of their presents and I really had to find ways to manage this by allowing them to play with only one to two toys at a given period of time. You see, if you allow them to play with all the toys at the same time, chances are, they'd get tired of it quickly and you'd be left with nothing else to keep them busy and entertained. Thus, I've been spending all these months rotating the gifts, allowing them to choose 1-2 toys each and keeping the rest and when I sense that they're starting to get tired of a particular toy, then I reintroduce a new toy. So far, I think it's working as I have managed to keep them entertained all these time.

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Apart from toys, my twins have received books from some of their guests and this was how we have actually started to include story time as part of their bedtime routine. In fact, they love reading so much that L, for instance, would wake me up in the morning to ask me to read to her AGAIN and AGAIN...and AGAIN. It's interesting to see how varied their personalities are. J is really more into toys most especially building blocks and cars. He can hold on to this toy truck all day and night. He likes to read but his attention span is shorter so he prefers picture books over those that has real stories in them.

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L, on the other hand, is my little bookworm. She would quietly sit in one corner of the room while flipping through the pages of her books. She's so adorable! I love watching her do this and it's amazing how she can really hold the book right side up ever since. Whenever her Gwammy (my mom) would be in the room, she would asked to be carried to the book cabinet for her to choose a book. I also noticed that she has her favorite books which she loves reading over and over again.

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So, it's perfect that I chanced upon Learning Adventures on Instagram. It was pretty accidental, in fact. I was looking for gifts to give to my best friends' kids and I know how much toys they all have already so I thought giving books would be something they might appreciate more. So while browsing through their "catalog" of books, I couldn't help but choose some for my babies too.

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For instance, I chose two Disney Touch and Feel (Php. 220) books which are actually in a not so pretty state anymore as it's been overused by the twins. I got the Disney Princess  and Winnie the Pooh for each one of them but really, we just allow them to pick up any book of their choice so if J decides to read the Disney Princess book one day and Winnie the Pooh the next day, that is totally fine. What I love about it is how they get to learn about the different textures on each page. From sticky to furry, to silky to popping bubble-like texture. I like how the book is 8 pages short so it's perfect for kids like J who can't sit still and read for a long period of time.

Another book that I got was the Muddle and Match (Php. 230). The book is horizontally divided into three panel where you can mix and match to create different characters. I think this is perfect for bigger kids as the twins couldn't understand the concept of mixing and matching yet. I'm keeping this for them to read perhaps in a few months time. I also got the My First 1000 Words which I would use to point certain images out to them to teach them a new word. So far, J can easily say words like "banana", "apple" and "ball". Hooray!

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For myself, I got the Meal Planner (Php. 220) because I seriously need major help in feeding my little picky eater. Sometimes, thinking about what to prepare for her next meal can really drive me nuts. I have yet to read this though, perhaps when I finally have the time to sit down and read myself.

Price-wise, I'd say the books are really reasonably-priced! They also have baby books that go as low as P125 and musical books at P260. What a steal, right? This is one secret that I am sharing with all of you.

Check out Learning Adventures on Instagram to see their books collection and to know how to order. 

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