Lactation Goodies by Raquel Chua of Mama Chows

Just a few hours ago, as I was scrolling on my phone, I got a notification to look at several photos taken on the same day as today but 2 and 3 years ago. The first photo was that of my sister with my barely-a-month-old niece A. Oh, how A has grown into a smart little toddler who can easily surpass her daily word count and would delight us with the funny things that she would say. The second photo was of my twins, a few days after their first month celebration and it reminded me of how tiny and fragile they were before. We truly came a long long way from that to our active two year old toddlers now who are starting to talk a lot more each day.

One thing that I'll never forget about being a new mom to my twins was my breastfeeding journey. I've mentioned this several times here that I actually had very low expectations of myself breastfeeding. I guess it's because my mom didn't breastfed (and it wasn't that widely practiced back then) and my sister struggled with low supply with her first baby so I was thinking... well, if genetics has something to do with this, then I wouldn't bother getting myself all excited to breastfeed when I might end up disappointed.

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I guess I was meant to breastfed my babies. On the very first day that I had to express my colostrum, I easily managed to do so with Paul's non-stop encouragement and with the help of the nurses in the NICU. So there I was, still recovering from my c-section and feeling a bit woozy from all the meds that I had to take, sitting on a comfy recliner while trying to get my twins to latch on properly. It wasn't easy at first, I remembered sweating so much despite being in an air-conditioned room as I tried and tried and tried to get J to open his mouth and to latch. His sister was a natural. I never had any problems with L latching as she could easily do so and with so much ease. In fact, I was so close to accepting that L will be breastfed and J might have to be bottle fed. Anything just to make sure they eat and be nourished. We even thought that J might be tongue-tied given how hard it was to get him to latch. Well, eventually he did. 3 weeks after that first day and boy was I so relieved!

I had the privilege to breastfeed my twins for 17 full months until Paul and I decided that it was time to stop. This was because I started working full time and I felt my milk supply dwindling by the day. In fact, it came to a point when I felt like I was nursing my twins at night only to get them to sleep. Nonetheless, it was definitely a good run. A journey that I will remember forever. Through breastfeeding, I have this special bond with my twins that no one in this world will ever have. I also learned a lot of things, I have made new friends and have built support groups who encouraged me to keep going on and the list goes on and on. One thing that I also enjoyed while breastfeeding is having the excuse to try all these delicious lactation treats and one of my favorites are the lactation bread and pastries from my friend and fellow twin mom Raquel of Mama Chows.

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I first tried Raquel's lactation ensaymada a year ago and boy were they delicious! I love how it was so buttery, cheesy and fluffy soft and it has helped me in increasing my milk supply. Raquel is a genius! While everyone has been offering lactation cookies, brownies and chocolates left and right, she went for something that's so local and familiar to every Filipina mom -- ensaymada, Spanish bread, cinnamon roll and pan de sal. Brilliant, don't you think? I remembered feeling so hungry after a feed and yet I am wary about taking in too much sweets so it has always been a challenge to find the best snacks that's good for me and at the same time will help increase my milk supply. Who shares the same sentiments?

Apart from her lactation breads, she also has cupcakes and to satisfy the cookie monster in you, she has two best-selling lactation cookies too.

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While moms are clearly happy and grateful for Raquel's creations, she also has something for the little ones too. Her Toddler Cookies were a hit with the twins. Made with oatmeal, flaxseed, chia seed, brown sugar, organic eggs and more, this is one cookie that I allow my twins to enjoy as it's made with the best and healthiest ingredients and given today how kids just love junk food, I am definitely all for eating healthy. My twins also love Mini Cheese Cupcakes that they can finish 2-3 in one sitting. It's crazy! Even my little picky eater L loves her auntie Raquel's creations. Again, Raquel, you are a genius!

I love how she has a good line of lactation and non-lactation treats available. This means that you don't need to stop buying even after breastfeeding. Indulging on these yummy and healthy treats continues for life!

Check out MamaChows by clicking on this link. Alternatively, you can contact Raquel at 0917-3220926 or via email at

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