Unboxing with the #AngTwins : Another Package from Tiny Buds Baby
Wanna know what was one of the first few words that the twins can both say clearly?
It's.... WOW.
Yes, Wow! Every time I walk in the room with a new package or a gift box. They get so excited and would quickly run to their playmat to signal that they're ready to open the box. I guess, it always feels like Christmas morning to these little ones as they just love ripping gift-wrapping papers, opening boxes, seeing the contents, setting the real present aside and play with just the box or the paper "confetti" that comes with it. Haha! Kidding aside, kids will always be kids and the kind folks of Tiny Buds Baby are always spoiling my twins with all these pretty surprise packages that they've been sending our way. This box was actually sent close to half a year ago. I'm so sorry as my blog-lag is terrible!

Remember their first unboxing experience was also when they received a package from Tiny Buds they were just over a year old then and look how fast they've grown! It's really true when they say that we have to take each moment as they come because babies grow up super duper fast. Here's sharing the two unboxing photos of the twins and you can really see how fast they've turned from being babies to active toddlers.

Anyway, this time though, J was more excited to open the present so he took charge of unboxing for now while his sister was busy with her toys. She just later joined him when he finally opened the box and was starting to play with the contents inside.

I always love how every Tiny Buds Baby package brings so much excitement not only to the kids but even to the parents. I got to intrigued by the sticker on the box that says -- This Box will make you Happy. Well, anything for good vibes and happiness, right?
I then let my little boy took charge in opening the box but I was cautious too just in case it's filled with tiny styro beads again just like the last one. J carefully pulled the ribbon and with our help, he managed to open the box to see what was inside.

Tadah! Out came Haha the Hippo! We just learned about his name when we read the storybook that came with the box. J loved Haha immediately and willingly gave him a hug. He set Haha aside as he spotted something else inside though.

Look what they got! Boxes of their favorite toothgel. In all honesty, we have been using Tiny Buds Baby's tooth gel and chew brush since the twins were 6 months old. I've heard stories of how challenging it can be to get your little ones to like brushing their teeth but we're so lucky that we never encountered that problem at all. They just loveeee to brush their teeth that it's actually a struggle having to wrestle the chew brush out of their little hands.

I would alternate between the two flavors of the tooth gel -- Strawberry Banana and Strawberry Cherry. They love both flavors and while it actually has no taste (yes, I had to try it) but it's so fragrant which is why they probably love it. I'm glad also that I got our pedia dentist's approval when I told her that we're using Tiny Buds Baby on the twins.
Today, as they're 2 and a half years old, I am starting to teach them to move on from their chewbrushes and to use real kiddie toothbrush (Tiny Buds also, of course) and so far we haven't encountered any problem with the transition. After all, teaching your kids good oral hygiene is super important and Paul and I are glad that we have brands like Tiny Buds Baby and the Elmo brush your teeth song as our partners in training the twins to get used to this routine successfully.
Now, off to the next challenge -- potty training. This deserve a whole new blog entry on it's own!
Anyway, going back to J's unboxing, it was another happy moment for the twins as they have gained a new friend named Haha, a brand new storybook and more toothgels for them to happily brush their teeth. Watch the video above for the full unboxing session of J.
Thank you so much Tiny Buds Baby! Till our next unboxing session!
These Tiny Buds Baby toothgels are available at Lazada, Shopee and in their official website/e-store.
It's.... WOW.
Yes, Wow! Every time I walk in the room with a new package or a gift box. They get so excited and would quickly run to their playmat to signal that they're ready to open the box. I guess, it always feels like Christmas morning to these little ones as they just love ripping gift-wrapping papers, opening boxes, seeing the contents, setting the real present aside and play with just the box or the paper "confetti" that comes with it. Haha! Kidding aside, kids will always be kids and the kind folks of Tiny Buds Baby are always spoiling my twins with all these pretty surprise packages that they've been sending our way. This box was actually sent close to half a year ago. I'm so sorry as my blog-lag is terrible!



Anyway, this time though, J was more excited to open the present so he took charge of unboxing for now while his sister was busy with her toys. She just later joined him when he finally opened the box and was starting to play with the contents inside.

I then let my little boy took charge in opening the box but I was cautious too just in case it's filled with tiny styro beads again just like the last one. J carefully pulled the ribbon and with our help, he managed to open the box to see what was inside.

Today, as they're 2 and a half years old, I am starting to teach them to move on from their chewbrushes and to use real kiddie toothbrush (Tiny Buds also, of course) and so far we haven't encountered any problem with the transition. After all, teaching your kids good oral hygiene is super important and Paul and I are glad that we have brands like Tiny Buds Baby and the Elmo brush your teeth song as our partners in training the twins to get used to this routine successfully.
Now, off to the next challenge -- potty training. This deserve a whole new blog entry on it's own!
Thank you so much Tiny Buds Baby! Till our next unboxing session!
These Tiny Buds Baby toothgels are available at Lazada, Shopee and in their official website/e-store.